Timeline of events by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Preface 20,000 BSU - 15,001 BSU 15,000 BSU - 10,001 BSU 10,000 BSU - 5,001 BSU 5,000 BSU - 1 BSU 0 ASU- 999 ASU 1,000 ASU- 1,999 ASU 2,000 ASU - 2,499 ASU 2,500 ASU - 2,999 ASU 3,000 ASU - 3,999 ASU 4,000 ASU - 4,999 ASU 5,000 ASU - 5,999 ASU 6,000 ASU - 6,249 ASU 6,250 ASU - 6,499 ASU 6,500 ASU - 6,599 ASU 6,600 ASU - 6,699 ASU 6,700 ASU - 6,799 ASU 6,800 ASU - 6,899 ASU 6,900 ASU - 6,999 ASU 7,000 ASU - 7,049 ASU 7,050 ASU - 7,099 ASU 7,100 ASU - 7,149 ASU 7,200 ASU - 7,299 ASU 7,300 ASU - 7,349 ASU 7,350 ASU - 7,399 ASU 7,400 ASU - 7,499 ASU 7,500 ASU - 7,699 ASU 7,700 ASU - 7,799 ASU 7,800 ASU - 7,849 ASU 7,850 ASU - 7,899 ASU 7,900 ASU - 7,949 ASU 7,950 ASU - 7,999 ASU 8,000 ASU - 8,099 ASU 8,100 ASU - 8,199 ASU 8,200 ASU - 8,299 ASU 8,300 ASU - 8,399 ASU 8,400 ASU - 8,499 ASU 8,500 ASU - 8,599 ASU 8,600 ASU - 8,699 ASU 8,700 ASU - 8,799 ASU 8,800 ASU - 8,899 ASU 9,000 ASU - 9,099 ASU 9,100 ASU - 9,109 ASU 9,120 SU - 9,129 ASU 9,130 SU - 9,139 ASU 9,140 SU - 9,149 ASU 9,150 SU - 9,159 ASU 9,160 ASU - 9,169 ASU 9,170 SU - 9,179 ASU 9,180 ASU - 9,189 ASU 9,190 ASU - 9,199 ASU 9,200 ASU - 9,209 ASU 9,210 ASU - 9,219 ASU 9,220 ASU - 9,229 ASU 9,230 ASU - 9,239 ASU 9,240 ASU - 9,249 ASU 9,250 ASU - 9,259 ASU 9,260 ASU - 9,269 ASU 9,270 ASU - 9,279 ASU 9,280 ASU - 9,289 ASU 9,290 ASU - 9,299 ASU 9,300 ASU 9,301 ASU 9,302 ASU 9,303 ASU 9,304 ASU 9,305 ASU - Month One 9,305 ASU - Month Two 9,305 ASU - Month Three 9,305 ASU - Month Four 9,305 ASU - Month Five 9,305 ASU - Month Six 9,305 ASU - Month Seven 9,305 ASU - Month Eight 9,305 ASU - Month Nine 9,305 ASU - Month Ten 9,305 ASU - Month Eleven 9,305 ASU - Month Twelve 9,305 ASU - Month Thirteen 9,306 ASU 9,307 ASU 9,308 ASU 9,309 ASU 9,310 ASU - 9,399 ASU Out-Dated Times.

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9,305 ASU - Month Five

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Month Five
Week One 
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, Aslaug Vault, the ‘Ice Hammer’, ‘Talon’, and ‘Umbrian Pride’, and forces from Holderness arrive in the Axeholm System where they make trades with the world, selling their wares and buying what they believe can make them money on other worlds.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, Aslaug Vault, the ‘Ice Hammer’, ‘Talon’, and ‘Umbrian Pride’, and forces from Holderness leave the Axeholm System in the Bloom Sector and continue on their route south along the Northern Fabian Gateway Network to Bastion for the royal wedding of Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking. Their next stop is the Seahold System in the western edges of the Anchorage Sector.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis - Chapter 8
Lord General Helena Cinder, High Companion Kelvin Xylander, High Commander Fiona Gully, Commander Mae Greymane, High Companion Val Foot, High Commander Lexa , Commander Payton Ironwright, High Companion Cora Lane, High Commander Wulfheah Kell, Commander Zelma Vallen, High Companion Repert Watt, High Commander Malcom Vanir, Retainer Galen ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, along with ‘The Long Serpent’, ‘The Ironclad’, ‘The Ark’, ‘The Laughing Titan’, ‘The Red Banshee’, ‘The Hellhound’ and the 5th Legion, 50th Legion, 127th Legion, and 213th Legion arrive in the Hornbreaker System of the Hornbreaker Sector of Highpass Space.
Galen ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis - Chapter 11
King’s Guard Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip, Captain Clement Atwood, Idunn Vault, and the ‘Jade Grip’ delay returning to the Bastion System as long as they can to track down their leads on other targets and locations they learned the cruiser had visited. Hilda wishes she could avoid the royal wedding.
Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip - Chapter 11
Harald Moon Frost, Lin Frost, Gwen Mells, Winniefred Apples, Jae Whitehalls, Joslyn Vault, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Nena Woodsmith, Sub-Commander Elwyn Frost, Hyrum Dagnar Little Frost, Iris Stackhouse, and other members of Clan Frost witness System-lord Peder Ulric Moon Frost holding court on Stonehill Hold.
Harald Moon Frost - Chapter 6
Week Two 
King’s Guard Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip, Captain Clement Atwood, Idunn Vault, and the ‘Jade Grip’ leave the Grimm Hearth System for the Bastion System after delaying as long as possible to hunt down their target with no results.
Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip - Chapter 12
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, Aslaug Vault, the ‘Ice Hammer’, ‘Talon’, and ‘Umbrian Pride’, and forces from Holderness arrive in the Seahold System where they trade with the locals before heading on their way to the Bastian System for the royal wedding of Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, the ‘Ice Hammer’, Aslaug Vault, the fleet and others from Holderness leave the Seahold System and continue on their journey to the Bastian System. Next sop the Dagport System in the Furia Sector.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis - Chapter 9
Crown Prince Osmund Gisking, Lt Pilgrim Sargent Robyn Drake Sargent Fairhart, Ensign Elinor Grimmhart, Victor Vault, Techno-Mage Vance Oakheart the Skreap and Task Force Alpha arrive in the Bastion System for the wedding of King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking to Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk on Bastion.
Ensign Elinor Grimmhart - Chapter 6
Lord General Helena Cinder, High Companion Kelvin Xylander, High Commander Fiona Gully, Commander Mae Greymane, High Companion Val Foot, High Commander Lexa , Commander Payton Ironwright, High Companion Cora Lane, High Commander Wulfheah Kell, Commander Zelma Vallen, High Companion Repert Watt, High Commander Malcom Vanir, Retainer Galen ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, along with ‘The Long Serpent’, ‘The Ironclad’, ‘The Ark’, ‘The Laughing Titan’, ‘The Red Banshee’, ‘The Hellhound’ and the 5th Legion, 50th Legion, 127th Legion, and 213th Legion leaves the Hornbreaker System of the Hornbreaker Sector of Highpass Space for the Worthgard System of the Worthgard Sector of Highpass Space.
Galen ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis - Chapter 12
Week Three 
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, the ‘Ice Hammer’, Aslaug Vault, the fleet and others from Holderness arrive in the Dagport System of the Furia Sector and make a short stop to trade with the locals.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, Aslaug Vault, the ‘Ice Hammer’, ‘Talon’, and ‘Umbrian Pride’, and forces from Holderness leave the Dagport System and continue on their way to the Bastian System along the Northern Fabian Gateway Network for the royal wedding of Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis - Chapter 10
King’s Guard Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip, Captain Clement Atwood, Idunn Vault, and the ‘Jade Grip’ arrive in the Bastion System for the royal wedding of Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking.
King’s Guard Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip meets with King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking in the royal palace on Bastion.
Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip - Chapter 13
Commander Vern Peak, Sub-Commander Heahmund Groves, High Thane Gregory Dawnburst, Thane Jordon Vault, First Companion Leeann Boggs, Guard Faron Nash, Retainer Edmund 'The Great' Lynch Aegis, Second Companion Zelda Walker, Guard Yseult Icefield, Retainer Cassandra Tyr, Third Companion Lorna Long, Guard Deborah Zap, Retainer Rosemary Reed, Fourth Companion Peg Towers, Guard Hillary Thorn, Retainer Gareth Sparks and the 3rd Battalion of the 10th Legion arrive in the Jom System from the Hartstone System in the Nerthus Sector in the Nakon Union Space.
Cassandra Tyr - Chapter 8
William Alexander ‘The Stalwart’ Bear Stout, Anders Woodcraft, Samantha Rodgers, Zoe Smith, and enjoy a quiet start of the summer at the giant lake which estate of Lakehall is built next to, and which much of the shore line belongs to Lord David Tristin Bear Stout or other family members of the Stout Clan.
William Alexander ‘The Stalwart’ Bear Stout - Chapter 5
Week Four 
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, Aslaug Vault, the ‘Ice Hammer’, ‘Talon’, and ‘Umbrian Pride’, and forces from Holderness arrive in the Grimmbridge System in the northern borders of the Bastion Sector where they make their standard stop to trade with the locals.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, Aslaug Vault, the ‘Ice Hammer’, ‘Talon’, and ‘Umbrian Pride’, and forces from Holderness leave the Grimmbridge System and continue down south along the Northern Fabian Gateway Network to their last stop, the Bastian System and the unofficial capital of the Commonwealth of Drala.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis - Chapter 11
Lt Pilgrim Sargent Robyn Drake Sargent Fairhart Ensign Elinor Grimmhart, Victor Vault, Techno-Mage Vance Oakheart and other forces from the Skreap are in attendance when the Crown Prince Osmund Gisking meets with his father in private, the King of the Commonwealth of Drala King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking for the first time since the Ansgar Incident. He is surrounded by members of his own staff for his own protection.
Ensign Elinor Grimmhart - Chapter 7
Lord General Helena Cinder, High Companion Kelvin Xylander, High Commander Fiona Gully, Commander Mae Greymane, High Companion Val Foot, High Commander Lexa , Commander Payton Ironwright, High Companion Cora Lane, High Commander Wulfheah Kell, Commander Zelma Vallen, High Companion Repert Watt, High Commander Malcom Vanir, Retainer Galen ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, along with ‘The Long Serpent’, ‘The Ironclad’, ‘The Ark’, ‘The Laughing Titan’, ‘The Red Banshee’, ‘The Hellhound’ and the 5th Legion, 50th Legion, 127th Legion, and 213th Legion arrive in the Worthgard System of the Worthgard Sector of Highpass Space.
Galen ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis meets his father Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis The Lord of Highpass.
Galen ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis - Chapter 13
Week Five 
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis, Bethany Lakes, Ozma Ellsworth, Aslaug Vault, the ‘Ice Hammer’, ‘Talon’, and ‘Umbrian Pride’, and forces from Holderness arrive in the Bastion System for the royal wedding of Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking. 
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis begins to meet with a series lords, politician, traders, and others on behalf of his father, the House of Lords and the council of Holderness. His days do not leave much for personal time as he conducts the business of his father as Under-lord of Holderness.
Warin ‘The Bold’ Ice Aegis - Chapter 12
Commander Vern Peak, Sub-Commander Heahmund Groves, High Thane Gregory Dawnburst, Thane Jordon Vault, First Companion Leeann Boggs, Guard Faron Nash, Retainer Edmund 'The Great' Lynch Aegis, Second Companion Zelda Walker, Guard Yseult Icefield, Retainer Cassandra Tyr, Third Companion Lorna Long, Guard Deborah Zap, Retainer Rosemary Reed, Fourth Companion Peg Towers, Guard Hillary Thorn, Retainer Gareth Sparks and the 3rd Battalion of the 10th Legion, Retainer Hakon ‘Tomb’ Ashworth, Retainer Frea ‘The Saint’ Ash Dawn, Thane Clarence Longreach, First Companion Fredric Vault, Second Companion Ragnor Ark, Guard Elmo Hogg, ‘The Axetooth’, ‘The Sparrow’s Nest’, ‘The Thunderbolt’, ‘The Blade’, and the 113th Legion, and other members of the Imperial Guard of Jom enjoy feasts throughout Jom before the election of the new Imperial General of the Jom.
Hakon ‘Tomb’ Ashworth - Chapter 8
Commander Vern Peak, Sub-Commander Heahmund Groves, High Thane Gregory Dawnburst, Thane Jordon Vault, First Companion Leeann Boggs, Guard Faron Nash, Retainer Edmund 'The Great' Lynch Aegis, Second Companion Zelda Walker, Guard Yseult Icefield, Retainer Cassandra Tyr, Third Companion Lorna Long, Guard Deborah Zap, Retainer Rosemary Reed, Fourth Companion Peg Towers, Guard Hillary Thorn, Retainer Gareth Sparks and the 3rd Battalion of the 10th Legion enjoy a night of feasting and drinking before the upcoming election of the new Lord Imperial General of the Jom.
Prince Edmund ‘The Great’ Lynch Aegis is mocked by Guard Frea ‘The Saint’ Ash Dawn for their lack of spoils, his kinsmen General Dagfinn ‘The Giant’ Lynch Aegis and father King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis.
Thane Jordon Vault, and First Companion Fredric Vault, enjoy laughs and drinks together.
Guard Frea ‘The Saint’ Ash Dawn offers Retainer Cassandra Tyr a place in her bed instead of Prince Edmund ‘The Great’ Lynch Aegis insulting both of them in public.
Cassandra Tyr - Chapter 9
Prince Edwyn ‘Ironsides Gisking, Major Willis Oldseal, Lt. Celia Grant, Pilot Magnus Underwood, Pilot Lydia Wild, Pilot Richard Vault, ‘The Greymark’, and Task Force Delta arrive in the Bastion System for the royal wedding of King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking to Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk.
Magnus Underwood - Chapter 6
Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk, Handmaiden Ansel Yarrow, and others of her staff host a grand feast at the estate granted to her by King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking. King’s Guard Hilda ‘The Acquisitive’ Grip, Idunn Vault, Crown Prince Osmund Gisking, Lt Pilgrim Sargent Robyn Drake Sargent Fairhart, Ensign Elinor Grimmhart, Victor Vault, Techno-Mage Vance Oakheart, Prince Edwyn ‘Ironsides Gisking, Pilot Magnus Underwood, Pilot Lydia Wild, Pilot Richard Vault, and others attend the feast so that she may get to know the royal family better.
Ensign Elinor Grimmhart - Chapter 7.1
Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk - Chapter 6
Prince Edwyn ‘Ironsides Gisking, Pilot Magnus Underwood, Pilot Lydia Wild, Pilot Richard Vault, and others are attend a royal feast thrown by Blair ‘Of the Furmann’ Tusk. Magus confused why he is invited, had agreed to attend because of Lydia and Edwyn.
Magnus Underwood - Chapter 7

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