Zyria Awakening Era Timeline
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Awakening Era

Awakening Era

5000 BN - 0 AW

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"Namor said to us- man was born from the gods five thousand years ago, but only now truly separate from the mere beasts that roam the land."  
  • Canon of True Namorites
    • 5000 Years Before Namor
      Humans first appear on Namoria
      Era beginning/end

      The early humans lived as hunter gatherers. Tribes begin to develop their own unique language and culture. Dragons, the primordial inhabitants of Namoria hunt the early humans, almost driving them to extinction.

      Additional timelines
    • 2000 Years Before Namor
      Various tribes band together to form confederations
      Political event

      Tribes band together to survive in the harsh world that they inhabit. Terrifying monsters roam the land and raids from more aggressive tribes force the more passive tribes to unite. People are forced to live in thick forests or caves to avoid dragons and monsters.

      Additional timelines
    • 500 Years Before Namor
      Humans Make Gains
      Geological / environmental event

      Discovery of agriculture creates an explosion in growth, the earliest fortified settlements appear. Minor monsters are no longer a catastrophic threat for humans, however, dragons and certain monsters are still at large. Escalation in conflict between tribes. Some tribes end up being subjugated.

      Additional timelines
    • 200 Years Before Namor
      The Cradle of Civilization

      In the region of Dravia settlements/villages grow large enough to be considered towns. They become the first bastions of humanity. Basic concepts of government such as laws and military are developed. Lacking many features of stability and centralized authority of later eras, the nations at this stage are primitive in organization. Most monsters are no longer a problem to a fortified town, however due the overwhelming number of monsters, humans are unable to expand their cities beyond the extent of their military manpower, severely limiting growth. Dragons are still a threat- although the larger cities can fend of a minor dragon attack at a high cost, smaller settlements are often destroyed.

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