Vihar Character in Zylesh | World Anvil
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Aspect of Tempest, Vihar

"Third was Vihar, God of Tempest, who saw the world in its stillness and wished for there to be movement. So he took his tool and stirred the Matter of the worlds. He gave the sea its waves, the air its wind, and the sky its storms. He imbued everything with continual change."
- Excerpt fromKnowledge of Kymeby Ythranmir the Scribe
  Vihar is the god of tempest, who is responsible for most of Zylesh's cycles and natural movements. He makes the river flow, the wind blow, and keeps the worlds orbiting and spinning.

Divine Domains

Storms, Motion, Cycles, Sudden Change

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Vihar has the symbol of a six-armed vortex surrounding a lightning bolt.

Tenets of Faith

The master of storms demands the following:
  • No matter what happens, always push forward. Do not linger on the past.
  • When you want something, take it. Do not stop until you have attained it.
  • Always get back up. Life will beat you down. You will lose sometimes. Whenever it happens, get back up and keep going.
He asks even more from those who would truly follow his path:
  • Always accept a personal challenge.
  • Never protect yourself from my storms, they are a necessary challenge.
  • Do not let pity prevent you from doing your duty. If they are too weak to withstand the storm, then let them be swept away by it.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Created in the split of One

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