Nehi Organization in Zosoa | World Anvil
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Nehi is a nation in the continent of Avasi that utilizes arcane magic to a great degree, with wizards that have diverse professions. They see their neighboring dwarven nation, Audren, as backwards, overly traditional, and a dangerous threat to progress. The population is primarily human, but dwarves, centaurs, goliaths, and aarakocra aren't uncommon.   Its capital is the city of Dihandra, on the western bank of the Yreb River. Nyreban is the primary language, but Audrenese, Dwarvish, and the language of the Ashva Steppe's centaurs are used as well.


Due to its wide use of arcane magic, Nehi's leadership is usually composed of wizards and sorcerers, but the laws of the nation command that a ruler must prove their worth as a leader, to prevent a power-hungry or unqualified mage from rising to power.


For the first few centuries of its existence, Nehi was a relatively average nation. Though it utilized magic, spellcasters were relatively rare, but after a humiliating loss to invaders from the Old Nyreban Empire, when Nyreban abjurations turned the tide in battle, the queen of Nehi decided to create official wizard and bard schools to teach the magically adept. Arcane mages were encouraged to join guilds and the military and use their magic to benefit the nation as a whole, and thousands of pounds of gold and silver were sent to Zembah, southern Avasi, and Kivosia in exchange for magic items.   Over time, Nyreba's own magical dominance was diminished after its empire fell, and it would not reach its modern state for another century. With the increase in magical use, life in Nehi was revolutionized. But this attracted the attention of the dwarven theocracy of Audren, which believed that Nehi's widespread use of non-divine magic was an insult to the gods that could not be ignored. A war began between divine and arcane power, which ended in a draw, but it was not the last.


Nehi is in the northwestern area of Avasi, just south of the World's Roof Mountains.

Technological Level

Though it has an average technology level for the area, Nehi's prolific use of arcane magic makes it more advanced than its neighbors.


Despite their rivalry with Audren's theocrats, the leaders of Nehi are not opposed to religion.

Foreign Relations

Nehi generally pays little attention to the affairs of the World's Roof Mountains, and it has long since resolved its rivalry with the Nyreban Empire, though the same could not be said of Audren. Nehi's attitude towards Solir, Gukam, and Morund is neutral overall, though they occasionally trade with those realms. The Ashva Steppe serves as an unofficial buffer between the two warring realms of northern Avasi. Some groups within that area are allied with or indifferent towards the Nehians, but others are aligned with Audren, or resent both sides of the conflict due to the damage it causes.    Nehi has been on good terms with Zembah, in northern Onunea, ever since the Arcane Revolution, but distance prevents a genuine alliance from forming.
Founding Date
4608 HC
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
Nehi, Land of Wizards
Government System
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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