The Christmas Trent Plot in Zomoria | World Anvil
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The Christmas Trent

Write a one-shot adventure for your world that is ready to run for a Game Master

Plot points/Scenes

The Characters start in a winter festival, for unification day.   People can play the following games, Dart Throwing, Singing Competition, Ice Breaking Competition, Peppermint Guessing Jar, Endurance Ice Bath, and Winter Trivia. Each Player can participate in 2 games   Dart Throwing - The Player makes 3 DC10 Dexterity Checks with a Dart(Simple Weapon). If they succeed, they get a Warming Packet and a target   Joke Competition - The Player makes 3 DC10 Charisma Performance Checks for 3 Jokes. If they succeed, they get a Warming Packet and a fake mustache   Ice Breaking - The Player makes a DC15 swings with a hammer to break apart a piece of ice. If they succeed, they get a Warming Packet and a paper weight shaped like a dumbbell   Peppermint Jar Guessing - The player makes a DC15 Wisdom Perception Check to guess the amount of peppermints in a jar if they win they get a warming packet, and a peppermint   Endurance Ice Bath - The player makes 3 Constitution Saving Throw to remain in the Ice Bath. If the succeed they get a warming packet and a quartz heart necklace   Winter Trivia - The player makes 3 DC10 history checks to see if they have the right knowledge. The first question is What is the name of the Unifier. Answer Raimonda, Solitude Protector. Second Question When did the New Moon Arrive. Answer 1 Year (BU) Before Unification. Third Question What does the unification Tree symbolize? The arrive of the Unifier and her Blessed Decree of Unification. (45 minutes)   "You see a person, wearing a silver Robe with a tree patch on the back of it (any character who has a history with the Circle Of 5 will know what the. symbol means) and a golden eye patch walk into the middle of town square, and they shout unnaturally loud (a DC10 Arcana check will reveal this to be from thaumaturgy) 'everyone, you know what time it is SNOW BALL FIGHT!!! So for the visitors the rules are SIMPLE, last person to get hit by a snowball gets to place our Unification Tree Topper, everyone who wants to play walk into this circle.' At this you see a golden circle light up around town square "   During this event the players will fight each other by entering a ring in town square, a total of 10 people will be in the fight. Any players + NPC's At the sound of the whistle they all roll initiative. The last person standing will place the tree topper. (45 minutes)   "After watching the Star on top of the tree get placed, the tree shakes suddenly, you hear cracking as two branches start to move and the stump splits into 2 parts, the center of the tree suddenly opens into 3 holes as you here a loud roar. roll initiative." The tree turns into a treant focusing on killing NPC's. Every round it kills 1 NPC and dies when 30 * # of players damage is done or 4 rounds have passed. (~1:45 minutes)   After this happens the tree topper falls and shatters revealing a hat. This hat is the hat of animate object, when placed on an object of size huge or smaller the hat animates the object turning it into a hostile creature attacking everything around it for 1 minute, after it's used it can't be used until the next dawn. A cloaked figure will walk out grabbing the hat from the ground and then teleport away. If any player tries to interrupt the figure will used a readied action to create a pocket of 1st order around them for 10 minutes.   After a few Minutes the guards will arrive and talk to the players. The Mayor who announced the snowball fight will then reward them each with a title Hero of Wildhorn and 50 - 5 * #of NPCs killed gold pieces. If they investigate the tree topper they will learn with a DC5 persuasion check to learn that only the mayor has access to the Tree Topper. A DC10 persuasion check will reveal that the Mayor is a Wizard, that got the eye patch right after becoming mayor for unknown reasons.   They can investigate the mayor. A DC 15 Stealth check will allow them to find them talking to a sending stone in side of the office. "Ok, I tested the hat it seems to be able to animate anything, sadly if the hat gets knocked if it won't work for the rest of the day. One other thing there are some weird people investigating this."   If they fail the Mayor will walk over and see them before the sending stone activates and they will question the players about what they're doing before warning them that they shouldn't investigate further.   They can also investigate the mayors office. Getting in requires a DC10 thieves tools check and once they're in they will see the hat on the desk. A investigation check will then allow them to find further things. DC5 to find a sending stone. DC10 will reveal a sending stone and a coin pouch DC15 to find hidden room containing opened packages with letters giving instructions and a DC20 investigation will reveal a small box that contains a wooden eye, with runes on the back, a DC15 Arcana check will reveal the runes to allow sight and control over order long term effects away will cause the person to tern to wood. After making the check they will need to make a DC10 Stealth check to hid from the mayor who will grab the sending stone which is the same as before.   Either way...  Using the evidence they can find tell the guards of whats happening the Mayor will get arrested before turning to wood because of being separated from the eye. The Players will get a 50 gold piece reward for finding the cloaked figure. (45)
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