Space Geographic Location in Zodiak | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!




by Pexels
Space. The large black canvas with all those twinkling lights on it. It is nothing more than a fastness filled with balls of gas, black holes and bright suns. Alright, there are some planets circling in it too. Some planets are habitual and some are death rocks. There are countless galaxies, and only a few can be reached.


Although there is no oxygen inside space it is the home of many viruses and bacteria. Some of those are dangerous for Humans and their spaceships. Just outside our galaxy is the home of the Spatium interfectorem cete better known as space killer wales. They are not aggressive when not provoked. Otherwise, they will hunt the spaceship throughout the galaxy, until they got it and destroy it.  

Localized Phenomena

Inside space there are many weather abnormally. At least according to the humans. There are; solar storms, astroide rain, heatwaves (only you get too close to a sun), and so on. On a rare occasion there is a solar hurricane, which is caused by an explosion of a sun. These hurricanes are rather dangerous, the sun explode with an intense heat and as the hurricane dies down it transforms into a black hole.    


Own solar system

Space is as old as time itself, or maybe even older. In the time that Humans explored their own world they used the stars to navigate the seas and the land. They believed it was a creation and home of their various gods. Later when the humans had reached the skies and wanted to look what was beyond their own planet they created many space programs to explore. First it became a race between two nations to see who was better, and so the first human landed on the moon. But they didn't stop there, they wanted to explore their own system to the fullest. They sent satellites, robots and later humans to Pluto. But that didn't satisfy the hunger for knowledge, and they reached beyond.  


Over the years NASA and ESA to name a view, started to explore the space between their system and the next. But it took them a while to invent a ship that could reach the next solar system. These spaceships were powered by sunlight and were build to sistend the strange weather and bacteria. But they were not suited to avoid the Spatium interfectorem cete and many lives were lost because of it. Over time, they adapted the technology that ships use to avoid icebergs. After this the next solar system was reached, and they even found a habitual planet. It didn't have a sentient species of its own and humans started to populate this planet which they called Atlas Temple.  


But the hunger for more became toxic and a new space organization was formed, the Zodíaco. They believed that they needed to push further than the current limits. Powered by the new religion, The Temple of Atlas named after the new planet. They believed that the next generation of space discoverers were born under the famous zodiac signs. They started to train their space discovers from a very young age. NASA and ESA do not approve of this method, but because the laws on earth do not prevent the new organization. They just work around it, giving their recruits an education.  


Over the years space has become a tourist attraction and not only for the rich. There are a view business that made space almost affordable for everybody. Disney(c) even made a new theme park on Temple of Atlas, complete with hotels. There are also expeditions to see the Spatium interfectorem cete (Space killer wales) in their natural habitat.  

Space, the Final frontier
— Captain Kirk almost ever Star Trek movie
Alternative Name(s)
The Final frontier
Included Locations
Famous space discovers
  • Neil Armstrong
  • Andre Kuipers
  • Joeri Gagarin
  • Alan Shepard
  • Valentina Teresjkova
  • Mike Melvill
The image of the text breaker is made by Sketchify

Cover image: by lnx00


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