Arcanum Settlement in Zillarum | World Anvil
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Arcanum is as a floating city on the continent of Kantrinna where the people of Zillarum go to hone the control of their magical gifts. Most every village around the world has had at least a few children manifest such gifts every generation, and emissaries from Arcanum come to collect them. It is seen as a great blessing to have one's child possess such magic and it is generally regarded as an a honor to send them off.   It has been observed, however, that more children have manifested magical gifts in the last decade or so than any other in history. Scholars have proposed that there have been at least three times as many of such children as there were in the past. As such, the Magic Academy is busier than ever.   The city circles around the Great Shrine of Lumina, south of the port city of Marabin and has done so since the early days of the New World, making the floating city the oldest settlement on Zillarum. The Magic Academy has produced many powerful mages over the years, and every great wizard in history has studied there. However, much of the city is shrouded in mystery, as very few other than those with magical ability have visited.   There seems to be only one entrance to the floating city, other than by air, and that is the Transfer Spring in the valley of the Grey Spires, east of the Great Shrine of Lumina. Of late, only magicians and those on official business or with special approval are being allowed entry into the city.


  • 75% Human
  • 15% Beastmen
  • 10% Other


As a Magocracy, the Headmaster of the Magic Academy and his staff oversee the government of their city. They are supported by a council made up of officers of the city watch and other guilds (craftsmen, merchants, laborers, mercenaries, performers, etc.)


  • Admissions Building / Caverns Exit
  • Grand Library
  • Magic Academy
  • Dormitories
  • Great Hall
  • Campus
  • Silver and Gold Towers
  • Magic Item Shops
  • General Store
  • Alchemist’s Shop and Apothecary
  • Temple
  • Magic Armor Shop
  • Magic Weapon Shop
  • Wandwright
  • Magical Blacksmith
  • Runewright
  • Crazy Aggbah’s Tent (linked to Darkthorn Alley)
  • Market Stalls
  • Tavern
  • Theatre
  • Book Shop (also sells scrolls)
  • Specialty Shops
  • Houses
  • Guard House

Guilds and Factions

Magic Guild
At the top, there is a Headmaster (Vaylin) and Premier (Lemarra, a senior and tenured teacher with special administrative privileges, similar to a Dean). There are a handful of other members of the faculty in addition to the guard captain and head priest. Each School has a Prefect (a 7th year student with extra responsibilities and privileges)   Prefects act as student leaders and also as monitors for behaviour. They report and chide those out past curfew, direct new students to their dormitories and are expected to serve as guides when possible. Also, they coordinate with the Premier and other prefects (they have weekly meetings every First Day at noon)  
  • Once having obtained an Application, prospective students must pass through the Caverns of Potential to gain entrance
  • After doing so, they become members of the Academy and are guided to get settled in
  • The students admitted are generally between the ages of 11 and 13 (when magical powers begin to manifest)
  • ‘Late bloomers’ or those that chose not to attend earlier for some reason are allowed entrance, sometimes only upon special exception. They have to start as a first year and are surrounded by younger children, though if possible, a group of these older students will be put together or special tutoring will be provided)
  • New pupils are accepted on Scholar’s Rise (6 Stormclaw), though there are exceptions made if a sufficient applicant pool gathers
  • Students then study for 7 years
Schools of Magic
There are 8 schools of magic that students specialize in. Generally one does not choose their specialization until their 5th year, though many unofficially do so earlier, given their inclinations and obvious talents. Once the specialization is chosen, they begin wearing robes of the school’s associated color:
  • Abjuration - Baby Blue Robes
  • Conjuration - Amber Yellow Robes
  • Divination - Sky Blue Robes
  • Enchantment - Magenta Robes
  • Evocation - Scarlet Robes
  • Illusion - Violet Robes
  • Necromancy - Mint Green Robes
  • Transmutation - Ochre Robes
School Year
  • For first years, they get settled into the school and shown to their common rooms and dorms on the 5th of Stormclaw, a day before classes start
  • A large dinner is prepared in the Great Hall for the entire Academy on the night before classes start, with a Welcoming Ceremony and various start-of-term notices
  • New School Year begins on Scholar’s Rise (6 Stormclaw)
  • A large breakfast is prepared in the Common Rooms on the first day
  • Classes then start and the whole campus is abuzz with activity
  • Classes function is a similar manner to a college, Hogwarts-esque, etc.

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