Zheng-kitar Jilixia is born

Jilixia is born

Life, Birth


Jilixia worldthrone is born to her mother Lynilla, youngest of the descendents of Dahmunara Worldthrone. She shows great and immense promise from a very young age, far in excess of even her siblings or aunts. However, as she grows she displays a penchant for wanton sadism and discovers enjoyment in the suffering of others, torturing and killing servants and slaves around the castle she grew up in.

Jilixia was born to her mother and from birth displayed an incredible purity of blood that gave her an unfathomable amount of power - she was the only one of Dahmunara Worldthrone's children actually born between the union of man and woman, as her mother(A Human Half-Demon) wed and had a child with her husband(A male fire Qìtóng said to have been gifted with the Godfire by Huofeng). She was gifted with insane potential, such that her grandmother Dahmunara was impressed by her birth so much that she paid the most attention to Jilixia compared to her other Grandchildren. This did not make Jilixia's mother Lynnila jealous - on the contrary, it made her unbelievably happy and was to her, proof that she finally made her mother proud and did right by her and her ideals, as Dahmunara also began paying more attention to Lynnila after Jilixia was born.   Moreso than even her siblings, Jilixia grew up wanting for absolutely nothing - she was the favorite child of the family and was given every possible opportunity growing up. She grew up surrounded by sycophantic men who wanted to please her to ingratiate themselves with her mother and grandmother, so she formed an extremely negative opinion of men from a young age - thinking their lives utterly worthless and expendable. She often made a habit of killing men who displeased her even the smallest bit, those who she thought of as ugly, or for the simply enjoyment of seeing them suffer. She genuinely found the pain and screams of others enjoyable, and over the years as she matured she slowly learned how to inflict the most suffering, killing only when she got bored of a toy or when she thought it neccesary.   As she matured she was shown to have an incredible three elemental affinities - Fire, Water, and Void. This skyrocketed her already insane power and made her a unique existence even among the Worldthrone family.   By the time she hit 21 years old, she had tortured and killed tens of thousands of men and half as many women - she was a genuine sadist who found great enjoyment in the pain and suffering of other beings, especially men - whom her mother raised her to believe were lesser in every imaginable way. However, she had been raised not to kill them wantonly - until her mother and grandmother died, she had been made to torture only the men captured in the war her grandmother Dahmunara was waging or those that disobeyed her family and earned a punishment.

Related Location
Worldthrone Castle
Related timelines & articles
Jilixia Worldthrone's History (article)