Zheng-kitar The Fall of Shakogawa

The Fall of Shakogawa



The Lord of Shakogawa, who had been covering up her atrocities out of a misguided belief that he could redeem her or eventually turn her in, is callously discarded once Jilixia decided she had gotten all she needed from him and his family. She quickly reduces the lord and his family into masochistic torture-slaves and wrestles control of the city from him, where she quickly enacts a number of short but sadistic policies designed to test her mother Dahmunara Worldthrone's theories and her own ideas on governance and rule in the small scale.   She quickly turns Shakogawa into a hellscape, where men are enslaved and leashed at the feet of women, tortured and burned in the streets without remose while the women and men who would not comply with her policies were either killed or forced into compliance.

Related timelines & articles
Jilixia Worldthrone's History (article)