The Godling Complex Geographic Location in Zepharog | World Anvil

The Godling Complex

When the people of Rakasha look up, they see a cluster of stars that each and every individual star is a different Godling. The stars look unique, to match the different Godlings personality, and all too beautiful. All have their own colors and designs to symbolize the different Godlings.


Giant bright lights of gas and other elements that are under the control of the Godling Law.   When the Godlings turned into these great beacons of light and dark, they gathered at one originating point and formed into a constellation. The constellation looks like a waves with fire, ice, rock, and hope with darker depths leading down below.   Towards the lower end of the constellation are where the betrayer godlings are. Their transformation took a bit of a turn. Instead of becoming stars they became the void itself that the stars are in. Where they lie, has no stars just empty void with faint strands of maroon colored nebula.


The Forgotten Ones were formed when the Godlings used the Elder fragments to bend the laws of space and time. When they awoken something a little more then they were expecting, they were sent away. As they were being hurled through time and alternate realities, realms, and other planes, their forms started to merge and become the void. Their bodies turned to gas and light, and the many different personas that they had control of became visible, the gases from these stars are what they are in a unique and uninterpreted focus.    As they turned into these great beacons of light and dark, they gathered at one originating point and formed into a constellation. The constellation looks like a waves with fire, ice, rock, and hope with darker depths leading down below.    Towards the lower end of the constellation are where the betrayer godlings are. Their transformation took a bit of a turn. Instead of becoming stars they became the void itself that the stars are in. Where they lie, has no stars just empty void with faint strands of maroon colored nebula.
Alternative Name(s)
The Forgotten Ones
Star System

Cover image: by LordGalakrond