Eclypse Exorcists Ethnicity in Zepharog | World Anvil

Eclypse Exorcists

Several humanoid figures come back from a hunting trip bringing a large beast with a horn, being dragged with a net, struggling. The many gather around a large bonfire and put the creature on a spit. The leader walked over to the beast and says a speech to bless the harvest. They then begin to eat the creature.   In the morning they gather around the leader and begin their prayer for the morning, after that they leave to do their own. Another hunting party goes out to search for more food. The masons continue their buildings and the mystics keep their practices silent and hidden. The smiths and totem guards make and train with the weapons that they're using.
  Unlike the other orders of the Exorcist who believe that all can be dealt with enough coin or other forms of favor/payment. The Eclypse order knows brutal and bloodthirsty ways to handle their threats whether they're magickal, mystical, or humane. They seek more honor and glory over the coin, although they do take coin at times. They are connected to the feral side of things and often seek to preserve their beastial nature. Cast out during their proving by the other orders they gather at the heart of the The Wild Wood, where their beasts are tameable and controllable. They are normal Exorcists that have the extraordinary ability to "Induce The Eclypse" or "Eclypse Walk." Most non-eclypse call it shapeshifting and lycanthropy. They only know one true thing, the Eclypse is them.   They treat the Eclypse like a deity or god/goddess. Their society is secretive and that of a tribe or pack. Everything is for the Eclypse and the clan.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

NIx, Melion, Elle, Sem, Sam, Mera, Farick, Niq, Syn, Mai

Masculine names

Cipher, Ferrick, Nalin, Gyn, Wenik, Yannik, Asserik, Venith, Vernal, Zarrin

Unisex names

Xowikor, Fash, Ridilgeac, Kibe, Yath, Toth, Gesh, Josgok, Erikis, Nuas, Uali, etc

Family names

Snowcloud, Ravencrest, Waternoose, Crowhand, Bloodgarde, Stonefist, Ironjaw, Sleetfoot, Trickeye, etc

Other names

Chosen names: Infernoserpent, Smokehound, Thunderbody, Sorrowtooth, Thornhound, Caverntree, Ashtalon, etc


Shared customary codes and values

The Eclypse Laws
  • Respect the Eclypse
  • Love one another
  • The Eclypseshape is your truest form
  • You are your Emotions


Beauty Ideals

They think when it comes to beauty, your Eclypseshape is the most beautiful.

Gender Ideals

They treat everyone equally, if a female wants to hunt then she shall, a male wants to cook or clean he may.

Courtship Ideals

when courtship comes, they want what everyone wants, someone to love them just as much or more than them.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships can happen but no children can come from this unless by magickal means. A strong and healthy relationship is key with them

Articles under Eclypse Exorcists

Cover image: by LordGalakrond