Aillëarn an Fey'Rein Organization in Zentrem | World Anvil
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Aillëarn an Fey'Rein

Written by Imachinate

When there was none, came the whole. When there was the whole, came the fracture. [Whence] the fracture, came the three. And from the three, came all.

For by the pillars, this realm was built...
— Translated introduction of "The Pillars Building" in The Eternal Record5

The Aillëarn an Fey'Rein1 are a sub-group of the Lorvan Fey'Rein2 that oversees the Feylands' divine order.3 The Lorvan Fey'Rein houses over 30 gods and godlike figures whose domains, potency, and presence vary between the regions. However, the following three figures comprising the Aillëarn possess the greatest status and ubiquity:

Aillëar an Fey'Rein Alignment Domains Holy Symbol Served By4
Visarias Eri;
goddess of life
and all that houses life
Neutral Good Life, Light, Nature, Tempest
Symbol of Visarias Eri by Imachinate
Fironras, Eluron, Isiril,
Toryan, Gadriel, Musahna, Amaris, Bantor, Jelial, Unae
god of knowledge
and magic, from the divine to the profane
Neutral Good Arcana, Knowledge, Light, Trickery
Symbol of Faenorias by Imachinate
Vesior, Artor, Erin, Mistila, Verdelia, Fina, Orisus
deity of balance
and completion
Neutral Death, Knowledge, Light, Tempest, Trickery, War
Symbol of Aende by Imachinate
Oomail, Iras, Dulavel, Santom

Together, the domains of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein embody the Feylands in its entirety. They are viewed as the leading gods who oversee the roles and actions of the pantheon. Visarias Eri, Faenorias, and Aende are often referred to as the "Mother", the "Father", and the "One", respectively, by all those under their power. Any beings within the mystical continent derive at least one aspect of their existence to the trio's influence. In turn, each pillar receives universal deference and worship, from gods to mortals alike.


The Aillëarn an Fey'Rein are classified as primordial gods. They number among the most ancient known figures in Feylandian history, certainly the most senior of the Lorvan Fey'Rein, and more than likely precursed the dawn of the continent's living civilizations. Proclaimed the "pillars" of the continent, many Feylandians believe that Visarias Eri, Faenorias, and Aende directly shaped the Feylands tens of thousands of years ago, and thereafter continuously influenced it towards its current state. Within the continent, each Aillëar possesses unfathomable power and sway over mortal reality and the other gods, further supporting their possible role in the Feylands' formation. Numerous legends exist regarding the Aillëarn, most of which appear in The Eternal Record. Though, most tales regarding how they came into being take place during the Feylands' prehistoric times. What legends survive regarding the trio's origins keep them inextricably linked with each other, and the following two are the most circulated themes of those stories:

Of Zehen, the Primal

The most popular of the Aillëarn's origin legends involves Zehen, an entity that first appeared in ancient oral tales passed over generations of Feylandians.6 Zehen's exact nature remains inexplicable; though it has been described as a cosmic force that exceeds even the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein in age and power, leading to its alternate name as the "Primal." These tales claim that while the Aillëarn shaped the Feylands into its modern state, Zehen created the continent itself, if not the entirety of the world.7 Zehen's activities receive mention only in the distant pre-Feylandian past. This occurrence implies that the entity faded away from the continental denizens' present minds, perhaps after a period of Zehen ceasing its direct influence on the realm's affairs. The world-building capabilities asserted by past accounts no doubt required tremendous power.

The connection between the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein to Zehen takes place during this primordial era in the Feylands. The creation of the world had strained Zehen to the point of devolution, seemingly drained of its once believed omnipotent powers. In its twilight state, rather than simply fading away, Zehen split into lesser vestiges which became Aende, Visarias Eri, and Faenorias. Some believe even that the Aillëarn had been Zehen's children to whom it gave mortal visages. However, along with their existence came the mantle to care for the ancient world, particularly a portion which eventually became the Feylands. Over the eons, the trifecta of deities continued its watch over the continent, especially as it became inhabited by humanoids like the elves, gnomes, and halflings. As Feylandian civilizations developed and flourished, the three gods gradually garnered the title of Aillëarn an Fey'Rein, distinguishing them from the rest of the pantheon.8

Of Realms Beyond

A more uncertain, though still prevalent, telling of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein's origins present them as extremely powerful entities who arrived in Zentrem from an entirely different plane of existence, often presumed to be either Zeum or the Feywilds.9 Their appearance in Zentrem links to a popular theory that a massive outpouring of magical energy from the Feywilds spread over the entire continent; the phenomenon warped the continent into its present state as the Feylands. One version of this story claims that the Aillëarn caused the magical catastrophe and subsequently oversaw the transformed regions. In another version, the trio of gods appeared to save the magically warped continent after the effect. Through their influence on the Feylands, Visarias Eri, Faenorias, and Aende were placed on a pedestal by its denizens as gods. They held up the continent in ages of strife and uncertainty, leading to their title as the "pillars," as well as served as a source of structure and support for the budding Lorvan Fey'Rein.10

Domains & Duties

The Aillëarn an Fey'Rein oversee all aspects which affect the Feylands, each possessing massive portfolios. In this effort, each Aillëar commands lesser deities of the Lorvan Fey'Rein to carry out their orders.

Visarias Eri

Known as the "Mother" of the Feylands, Visarias Eri oversees the creation and perpetuation of life, living beings, and the environments which physically enable them. She is accredited in part with the propagation of the elven and gnomish species throughout the Feylands. Amongst the intelligent species, such as humanoids, Visarias Eri is viewed as the goddess of fertility, health, healing, and renewal; she is also the patron goddess of children and youth. All natural creatures fall under the protection of Visarias Eri as does all natural habitats, whether affected by magic or otherwise.

Visarias Eri also acts as a physical protector of the Feylands with the more tempestuous powers of the sky, land, and seas exemplifying the more aggressive side of her strength. In conjunction with Faenorias, Visarias Eri restores the lands ravaged by magic and other catastrophic forces, tasks which seem to affect the continent indefinitely. To further exemplify her title as the Mother, she is responsible for the existence of comparatively lesser deities. Many existing members of the Lorvan Fey'Rein spawned from her collaboration with Faenorias and, albeit less so, Aende. Most of Visarias Eri's children aids her in managing the overground realms of the Feylands, serving as messengers and supervisors in her stead.


Faenorias holds sway over knowledge, magic, and nearly all the metaphysical aspects of reality within the continent, particularly as it concerns magic.11 Known as the "Father" of the Feylands and of magic, where Visarias Eri gives life, Faenorias gives thought. He bequeaths knowledge to living beings so that they may grow and develop through differing avenues. Amongst the intelligent species, he is also viewed as the god of civilization, truth, and learning. Some sects of followers associate Faenorias with the manipulation of knowledge, such as through deception and subterfuge. Lastly, due to the unpredictable nature that magic can possess, he also numbers among the Feylandian deities of luck or fate.

Furthermore, Faenorias acts as the guardian of magic. Though sometimes viewed as the continent's source for magic, he primarily fulfills the role of protector against it and those who seek to use magic to the detriment of life in the Feylands. He is accredited with rendering the continent habitable for most humanoids and beasts by curbing the continents' high levels of magic that may have otherwise left it inhospitable. From within the Feylands and beyond, Faenorias puts forth his magical prowess to counteract entities which seek to ravage the Feylands or otherwise take advantage of its magically staunched state. The inherently chaotic and uncontrollable nature of magic makes the continent's protection a persistent duty.

Faenorias also possesses an intimate relationship with Visarias Eri. The two Aillëarn have indefinitely worked together as protectors of the Feylands; contributing to his moniker as the Father, Faenorias aided Visarias Eri in the creation of magical life, including other deific figures of the Lorvan Fey'Rein. His control over both divine and profane magic was to the level that he maintained a dominant position amongst the rest of the pantheon, barring the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein. His power grants him the authority to direct lesser deities in their roles but also produces friction with other figures regarding the order of the divine hierarchy.

"The Scourge had been a problem that no mortal solution could solve. What we knew was that it was of magic, at least in broad, major strokes, though divulging its exact nature, much less defining a means to its extermination, escaped Varia's greatest minds. Generations of mages dedicated their lives to find an end to the horrid phenomenon. Yet, surviving scholars and even staunch adherents of Aizur found no significant progress. The solution came ultimately from the Father of magic himself—the Father in the Feylands, at least. Faenorias could not affect Varia, as was the limitations of deific spheres of influence, but through I, his word and methodology became reality."
— Archmage Vyliar'faeien, circa. 88 2E12


Perhaps the most abstract of the Feylandian deities, Aende exists as the balancing, yet complementary, entity to Visarias Eri and Faenorias. It has garnered the title of the "One," derived from its markedly differing state from the other pillars. Of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein, it possesses arguably the most expansive repertoire of domains, with aspects that overlap well as oppose those of the other members of the divine group. Much like Zehen, Aende seems more akin to an amorphous force of reality than an overtly tangible figure, like Visarias Eri and Faenorias.

Aende maintains the cycle of existence and thereby perpetuates the purposes of the Lorvan Fey'Rein's other gods. It represents ends but also completion through endings, such as death, which can then segue to new beginnings. In the pantheon's hierarchy, Aende is the bulwark that often tempers the authority of Faenorias, and sometimes that of Visarias Eri; with the goddess, Aende collaborated to maintain the balance of nature. Through destruction and decay—from the great fires which spread from the Obsidian Glades to earthquakes originating from beneath—it brought about a resolution to life, to habitats, and even entire ecosystems which then gave way to renewal.

Lastly, Aende acts as an impartial judge and shepherd for souls departing the Feylands where the concentration of magical energy supposedly interferes with even spirits traversing the planes. In this endeavor, it receives assistance from lesser deities of whom most are extensions of itself, if not Visarias Eri as well. However, Aende also presumes its own role of protector by addressing the areas overlooked or otherwise ignored by the other members of the Aillëarn, often centered in the Feylands' Grimwilds. Perhaps the most omniscient of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein, Aende deals with the most obscure matters regarding the Feylands. A shroud exists over what malevolent forces targeting the Feylands this deity may or may not have abated, and unlike the other Aillëarn, it lacks the same kind of exposure to the continent's general populace. An effective demand of reverence for Aende traces back to decrees by Visarias Eri and Faenorias, which in themselves serve as a testament to Aende's power.

The Balance of Three
    In relation to each other, each Aillëar must consider itself on equal terms with the others, for each pillar is needed to uphold the Feylands' existence. When one exceeds their boundaries, the other shall ultimately pull it back to balance. Every member of the trio possesses powers which the others do not nor ever will. Aende seems to overstep the boundaries of distinction. However, this ability serves as its distinction while simultaneously being a double-edged sword, for the very nature of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein is to balance one another. When both Faenorias and Visarias Eri possess the means to carry out even Aende's intended aspect, it thus devolve to a complementary force. Aende is a deity constantly in flux, only as powerful as the state of reality requires it.

"The Pillars Lament"

From the divine perches, the Pillars molded the realm into perfection.

Bountiful earth and water that moved and gave to the creatures it cradled.
By the hands of Visarias Eri.

Skies which illuminated all those below. All protected from mystic retribution.
By the words of Faenorias.

The third watched in silence.
Where is your gift, asked Visarias Eri.
Where is your guidance, asked Faenorias.
What I give shall come in time. Now is to wait in patience.
Replied Aende.

Together, the realm continued. Flourished in utter splendor.
Til the time came. And all became ravaged.
The earth bereft, the water dried.
The skies which darkened.
Magic in chaos abound.

The cries of the two, echoed.
What had been done?

Til the One declared,
There shall be no beginning without end.

The world trembled. In the fury of its parents.

Then Aende proclaimed,
For it is in end that there is beginning.
It is in creation there is purpose.
In perpetuation, purpose.
In deconstruction,
there is purpose.

Thus, the truth inevitable.
The Pillars lamented.
Then, the Pillars continued.
For there was agreement,
This must be.
— Translated excerpt from "The Pillars Lament" in The Eternal Record13

Divine Realms

Each Aillëar holds particular dominion over a section of the Feylands. Visarias Eri oversees the overlands and the waters of the continent. Faenorias' territory encompasses the skies of the continent. Aende holds control over the subterranean areas of the Feylands. While each deity may appear within each other's dominions, their ability to influence mortal areas becomes limited and, for the most part, depends on the permissions of the overseeing deity. However, as with most deities, an Aillëar's ability to influence the mortal realm depends primarily on the intensity of belief by their followers and sects. As a result of this phenomenon, both Visarias Eri and Faenorias may claim areas of influence beyond the Feylands, specifically in the neighboring continent of Varia.   During ancient times, the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein treaded the Feylands. Visarias Eri and Faenorias took on varying forms while interacting with mortals, though still making their divine statuses apparent. Most members of the Lorvan Fey'Rein followed in suit to the Mother and Father. Aende refrained from miscellaneous encounters with mortals; though, it was widely believed that the most severe catastrophes to occur in the continent were Aende working in its true form. However, as early as ten thousand years ago, the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein, along with the rest of the Lorvan Fey'Rein, ceased to directly appear on the continent, causing the rise of organized religions spawned from individuals they designated as their messengers.   Additionally, the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein separately commands a divine realm situated in Zeum, a mysterious plane of existence which parallels pockets of the multi-verse. The realms in Zeum exist as spheres of influence that occasionally interact, if not clash, with each other. While mortals may reach Zeum and all the realms within through great magical feats, it is not a plane meant for mortal habitation so much as to house extraplanar beings and the more abstract forces of reality. As a result, its primary occupants include the Lorvan Fey'Rein, along with other gods of Zentrem, who reside when not direclty affecting the mortal realm. All three of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein each possess the following realms from which they come and go according to their whims or necessity:

    Visarias Eri
    The Mother maintains a realm known as the Home of Vibrant Life. Comprised of rich lands and waters which almost parallel the likes of the Material Planes', the realm houses the spirits of natural creatures, supposedly at least one of every kind of creature. In addition to being a place of utter peace, all life and positive energies found within the Feylands supposedly originates from the Home of Vibrant Life.

    The Father lords over two divine realms in Zeum: the Eternal Archives and the Mystic Grounds. The Eternal Archives houses all knowledge that Faenorias possesses, including those within his domains; it also serves as the hub from which Faenorias oversees all magic within his areas of influence. The Eternal Archives also serves as the home realm for the Keepers, the collective title for Faenorias' seven major divine subordinates.
    Another divine realm, the Mystic Grounds, is a connected sphere to the Eternal Archives. The Mystic Grounds heavily mimic the environments of the plane of the Feywilds, magically staunched to the point of chaos, where Faenorias maintains excess or dangerous magical energies. Faenorias' aides and spiritual followers reside in the Eternal Archives while the Mystic Grounds houses a cavalcade of magical beings.

    The One's realm in Zeum is simply known as the Null. Though not the only one of its kind, it encompasses, in part, the space between other spheres and is by nature a fluid realm. Only Aende perpetually exists in the Null, though lesser deities associated with the One have been known to visit, if not reside, there.


Elven depictions of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein with the Father (left), the Mother (middle), and the One (right).

In ancient times, Faenorias and Visarias Eri appeared to mortals residing in the Feylands. During these instances, the two deities adopted humanoid miens, usually ones to match the races of those to whom they had shown themselves. While Faenorias appeared as male and Visarias Eri a female, records of their mortal visages shared several similarities: light, if not white, hair; fair skin; giant-like statures; youthfulness; and "beauty with no compare." Their visages were likened to the aesthetics of fey, which helped popularize their associations with the Feywilds. Meanwhile, though Aende has appeared to mortals in the past, there are no known instances of Aende adopting a substantially humanoid visage in the same vein as the other Aillëarn; however, it has been described to take on a humanoid form, albeit generally featureless or otherwise difficult to describe. More so than a central tangible persona, Aende shows itself through the surroundings, in alterations to the shadows, inanimate objects given life, or some other manipulation of the environment.

Cultural Depictions

The more developed Feylandian species had generated culture-specific interpretations of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein over the course of millennia; the various elven races, followed closely by the gnomes, being the most prolific with these creations. As a result, many depictions of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein closely follow the standards set by the elves. Furthermore, while the aesthetics of each Aillëar may drastically differ from culture to culture, the ideological tenets of each deity tend to remain the same.

'Mother of the Woods' by Rodolfo Sumeria, 1078 3E.
In art, Faenorias and Visarias Eri are usually shown as humanoids, much like their recorded appearances. More often than not, they follow elven aesthetics, though they have been shown as gnomes and even humans throughout their sects. They usually appear attractive, at most signifying the epitome of appearance for the race they have been presented as. Depictions of Faenorias as an independent figure typically include his juxtaposition with the sky, amidst magical artifacts or trappings, or otherwise engaging pursuits of magic and knowledge. In works where he is shown more as the Father, Faenorias appears more matured, if not elderly; though, such instances also emphasize his eternal knowledge and wisdom. Visarias Eri appears usually within the context of the Feylands' natural environment. Archetypical of her depictions includes lush greenery, teeming woodlands, and other lively sets of nature. She is often surrounded by flora and natural fauna. Pieces that emphasize Visarias Eri as the Mother show her alongside children, often nursing them, while still maintaining her image of beauty and liveliness.

Aende appears either in abstract interpretation or as a nearly formless figure. Humanoid depictions of Aende strip it of all gender indications, if not to the point of being featureless. A widely accepted portrayal of Aende derives from legends in The Eternal Record, showing it as a hooded, often ethereal figure, in muted colors. Within the Grimwilds and the Obsidian Glades, attempts to depict Aende as a humanoid figure are generally seen as taboo. Moreover, Aende is not usually the sole subject of any given piece, but rather a part of the work's larger theme or scene.

In fact, the art which shows the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein together number amongst the most popular of religious iconography in the Feylands, if not beyond. When only Faenorias and Visarias Eri seemingly appear together, their artistic interactions are usually construed as either familial or romantic; the first representing their status as possible siblings, or aspects, of the same greater entity while the latter gives homage to their longtime collaboration. However, even in pieces emphasizing Faenorias and Visarias Eri, it is common for some representation of Aende to appear in the backdrop. Within elven cultures, determining Aende's place in any given artwork of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein has become a benchmark for determining a piece's authenticity to expectations of Feylandian religious depictions. Thus, even in art, Aende finds its place as a balancing factor to the otherwise dominant presentations of Faenorias and Visarias Er. However, starting in the Second Era, there has been a marked increase in works which explore more antagonistic relationships between Aende and the other Aillëarn, even against historical explanations that indicate otherwise.

Worship & Sects

Every civilization in the Feylands shows some form of reverence to the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein. Visarias Eri and Faenorias have widespread and more blatant worship whereas Aende's followers act in more muted ways. Furthermore, due to Visarias Eri's and Faenorias' connections to numerous other lesser deities, worship for the Mother and the Father arguably gets inflated by proxy.

Visarias Eri The ubiquity of life in the Feylands means that worship for the Mother justly parallels it. However, the Evergreens holds her in particular esteem as exemplified by the kingdom's royal family, the House of Eri, who claim ancestral links to the Mother. Since the War of the Scourge , Visarias Eri has also had significant followings along the Feylands' border with Varia and the Hanalian Coast in Western Varia. Within her areas of influence, settlements which rely on the lands' boons show her deference, though her associations with the waters also have her worshipped by fishers and seamen. She has particularly strong followings amongst clerics of life and nature, druids, and rangers. Her representation of the Feylands' "body" has also garnered her smaller followings among soldiers and physical combatants.

Faenorias With magic everpresent in the Feylands, Faenorias arguably rivals Visarias Eri in the extent and reach of his worship. Faenorias is also known as the patron god of the Arcane Society in Varia, which has further extended his worship to the other continent. Mages of all kinds may show deference to Faenorias; though, he holds a preference for those who seek to use magic for good intentions or otherwise refrains from misusing and abusing magic. His worshipers also include scholars and other seekers of knowledge (such as spies), performing and literary artists, politicians, and law enforcement. More rarely, he is also seen as a patron to thieves and tricksters.

Aende Though it is not celebrated in the same manner as the other Aillëarn, there is a ubiquitous, albeit quiet, reverence for Aende throughout the entire continent. However, settlements in the Grimwilds region more openly host Aende's formal sects of worship, such as the Followers of the Null. Whenever there is death or destruction, Feylandians cannot help but turn their thoughts to this deity. Many plea for answers, reasoning for the end no doubt brought about by its power, but most remain unanswered. Feylandian militaries and soldiers also look towards Aende during conflicts, often in the prospect of a swift end to violent proceedings. Furthermore, undertakers, individuals with an interest in decay and death, and even lawmakers number among its worshipers."The greatest folly. Mortals to believe that Aende shall ever be comprehensible. Impossible, except for It. Knowing only what It is or what It does makes for empty prayers. Instead, must know why is. Yet, still impossible. A cycle of ignorance and enlightenment. Each Follower seeks, only then will find a state closest to the One."Elphyriel, Founder of the Followers of the Null.

Divine Conduits

Within the Feylands and beyond, mortals have served gods, goddesses, and other divine beings. Deities bestow power upon select individuals, often those found worthy or embody a god's image. In return, these individuals often act as an extension of these entities to affect the world's affairs they uphold the deity's better interests. The Aillëarn an Fey'Rein prove no different and the reliance on mortals to carry out their wills has become more needed after ages of a lack of their direct presence amongst mortals. The abilities garnered by these mortal conduits typically manifest in relation to their patron god’s domain(s).15 In other, more uncommon cases, individuals receive divine powers through lineage and embodying certain aspects or beliefs.

At the most extreme, mortals may even become direct vessels for a deity's power by becoming avatars. There have been no known avatars for any of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein, who in ancient times appeared directly in the Feylands. The balance of power amongst the three gods prevents the creation of like beings which may disturb the current system. However, both Faenorias and Visarias Eri had designated champions at varying points in history.
Silhoutte of Hana O'laire, champion of Visarias Eri during the War of the Scourge.

Visarias Eri had chosen the warrior queen Xolara as a champion; she then utilized her divinely endowed gifts to establish the Kingdom of the Evergreens, adopted the name of Ke an Ari, and started the dynasty which continues to rule the Evergreens to present day. During the War of the Scourge, Faenorias and Visarias Eri both appointed the Archmage Vyliar'faeien and Hana O'laire as their champions in the conflict, respectively. Aende has no known champions or mortal conduits to the same extent as the other Aillëarn; however, in recent memory, the hermit Elphyriel is suspected of having received the One's blessing.


  1. Pronounced as / eɪleɑrn æn feɪ'raɪn /; Aillëarn an Fey'Rein translates to "Pillars of the Feylandian Pantheon" from an ancient rendition of Sylvan.

  2. Pronounced as / loʊrvæn feɪ'raɪn /; Lorvan Fey'Rein translates to "the Feylandian Pantheon" from ancient Sylvan. The Lorvan Fey'Rein includes gods, goddesses, demigods, and other powerful entities, such as particularly power nature spirits.

  3. The Feylands is a continent staunched with magical energy, making it a host to slews of fantastical flora and fauna. The continent contains seven major regions, with each hosting a predominant type of biome: the Evergreens, the Gloommire, the Cascades, the Dustdoms, the Gustpeaks, the Obsidian Glades, and the Grimwilds. Elves predominantly comprise the Feylands' population of humanoids, followed by the gnomes and, less so, by halflings.

  4. This section accounts only for the major deities which directly serve each Aillëar, meaning they abide or otherwise acknowledge the direct authority of the deity. The categorization does not account for possible mixed allegiances with the connections derived mainly from each deity's divine origin.

  5. The Eternal Record is a collection of tales, legends, and histories supposedly curated by Faenorias and subsequently passed down to the intelligent humanoids of the Feylands. The chronicles mainly detail the exploits of the Lorvan Fey'Rein and the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein.

  6. Ancient times in the Feylands number anywhere from at least ten thousand to a hundred thousand years in the past. The magical energies in the continents have been cited as a source for temportal distortions that have caused inconsistencies in historic records.

  7. The name for the massive realm of Zentrem may have derived from the force known as Zehen. Yet, the name Zehen does not appear in histories beyond the Feylands' boundaries, taking some away credence from those assertions.

  8. The exact origins of the humanoid races within the Feylands remains a debated topic. There exists evidence that point to Visarias Eri as the progenitor of the continents' humanoid races, especially the elves and the gnomes. However, their appearance in other planes of existence puts credence to claims that the races had traveled to the Feylands from realms beyond Zentrem.

  9. The Feywilds refer to a plane of existence beyond the material plane where Zentrem lies. Known for being the native realm of fey creatures and its associations with rampant magic, the Feylands derives its name from this realm.

  10. The division, albeit less intense, in belief regarding the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein's origins represents a larger ideological schism still present throughout the Feylands. The Feylands' creation continues to be debated as to whether it was an event brought about by internal or external forces relative to the plane of Zentrem. This debate extends to the appearance of the humanoid races where bleak moments in the humanoid civilizations' histories still leave notable inconsistencies. Elves, particularly, have reason to believe that they descend from extraplanar beings, though the strong link to Visarias Eri argues for more native origins within the Feylands.

  11. Magic in Zentrem enables many awesome feats which often lead to the bending of reality, though much remains unknown to its exact nature. However, it can also refer to the seemingly omnipresent force that causes extraordinary events to occur in the world. Due to the fantastic nature of the Feylands, it is believed to possess higher levels of magical energy over the entire continent compared to the rest of Zentrem's major land masses. "Mage" is a cumulative term for any individual capable of using magic.

  12. The Archmage Vyliar'faeien was an elven mage and one of Avalon's legendary Guardians. He masterminded the formation of the Varian Coalition as well as led the alliance's mages in developing a permanent solution for the Scourge. Sometime during the War of the Scourge, he became the champion of Faenorias, further extending the Feylandian god's reach into the neighboring continent of Varia.

  13. "The Pillars Lament" is a short piece summing up the Feylands' creation story as purportedly told by Faenorias. It expresses the inevitable cycle of creation and destruction, though even the gods do not wish it so.
  14. Elphyriel was an elven Grimwilds native turned preacher and hermit active from 160 2E to 1338 2E. His impressive lifespan, even by elven standards, allowed him to dedicate well over a millennia to spreading the faith of the Followers of Null, a pseudo-religious group who worships Aende through intellectual faculties. While often considered cultlike in nature, the Followers of Null employ themselves in only educational, charitable, and pacifistic activities.

  15. Divine domains account for the categories of power that holy mages, like clerics, can access. While deities may have influence over multiple domains, those worshipers worthy of their blessings usually have access to only one domain.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Aillëarn, Pillars of the Feylands, Pillars
Aillëar, Aillëar an Fey'Rein, Deity of the Feylands, God of the Feylands, Lorv(e) an Fey'Rein

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Cover image: Symbol of the Aillëarn an Fey'Rein by Imachinate
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Author's Notes

An article on the leading trifecta of deities in the Feylands. Hopefully, this article can be a springboard for other pieces on the continent's religious aspects.   Credits for some of the cropped images are written in the images' descriptions.

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