Time Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Zaris | World Anvil

Time Magic

Bethany is a young time mage with a passion for uncovering hidden history. Her deep knowledge of time magic has led her to explore the ancient ruins that dot her world, unraveling the secrets of the past and unlocking the mysteries of the forgotten.   While delving into the uncharted depths of a dense jungle, she came across a set of ruins that looked untouched. She walked through the crumbling buildings and marveled at the intricate carvings and statues that adorned the walls.   As she explored, she discovered a hidden chamber that contained a treasure trove of artifacts and documents. She spent months studying the artifacts and translating the texts, learning about the people who had once lived in the ruins and the secrets they held.   Bethany used her magic to make trips back in time, visiting the ruins at different points in history. She saw the city at its height, bustling with life and activity, and she saw it in its decline, abandoned and overgrown. Each time she visited, she learned more about the people who had lived there and the stories they had to tell.   Through her work, Bethany was able to piece together a complete history of the ruins, one that had been lost for centuries. She shared her findings with the world, bringing new understanding and appreciation for the ancient civilization that had once thrived there.
Artifacts infused with time magic are powerful tools that may allow time mages to travel through time. These artifacts can range from a simple hourglass to devices approaching the complexity of a clock, but all have the ability to transport the user to different eras.   Their power should not be underestimated and should only be wielded by those who are skilled in the art of time magic. In the hands of a powerful time wizard, these artifacts can be used to explore the past, witness historical events, and even alter the course of history.   However, without the proper training and knowledge, using these artifacts can have dangerous consequences, such as getting stuck in the past or disrupting the timeline. Therefore, it's important to approach these artifacts with caution or not at all.  


There are many ways that time magic manifests in the world. Some examples follow:  
  • The ability to manipulate time, such as speeding up or slowing down time for oneself or others.
  • The ability to travel through time, this may have serious consequenses.
  • The ability to freeze time or create time loops.
  • The ability to use time magic to influence aging.
  • The ability to use time magic to preserve or restore objects or locations to a specific point in time.
by MidJourney
Metaphysical, Astral
by MidJourney


  Time magic is most prevalent in biomes where timelessness or isolation bring heightened awareness to the flow of time. Some examples below:   The ocean/sea: Large bodies of water have a seemingly endless ebb and flow. Much like time, the ocean seems endless, all encompassing, and unconquerable.
Forests: The deep, dark woods may also be a source of time magic, as the sense of timelessness and seclusion can bring a heightened awareness of the flow of time.
Libraries or archives: History and knowledge are glimses into time itself, this invites the past into your mind, changes your views in the present and prepares you for the future.
Temples or sacred sites: Ancient temples and sacred sites are connected to the flow of time through ritual. The past is brought to the present with almost unquestioned obedience.
Historical/Mortuary: Graveyards, battlefields and historical sites are all connected to time magic with the power of memory, intention and loss.

Cover image: by MidJourney


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