Nepaxan Species in Zaris | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Nepaxan has a robust and muscular physical design, with four sturdy limbs and a flexible spine that allows it to move easily and quickly. Its skeletal structure is well-adapted to its size and weight, providing support and stability while also allowing for a range of movements. The Nepaxan's muscles are also well-developed, allowing it to perform a variety of tasks, such as running, jumping, and digging. The creature has a pair of sharp claws on each of its feet, which it uses for digging and grasping objects. Its skin is thick and tough, providing protection from external threats and the elements. Overall, the Nepaxan's anatomy is well-suited to its lifestyle and environment.

Biological Traits

The Nepaxan is a small, agile creature with sharp senses and quick movements. It has a lifespan of around 5-10 years, and a life expectancy that can vary depending on the conditions of its environment. At maturity, the Nepaxan reaches a height of around 0.5-1 meter, and a normal weight of 5-15 kilograms. However, the Nepaxan has the ability to put on a significant amount of weight when it consumes large quantities of food. In these circumstances, its maximum weight can reach 600-700 kilograms, significantly higher than its normal weight. This weight gain would require the Nepaxan to consume a large amount of food on a regular basis, and to be relatively inactive in order to avoid burning off the excess calories.   The Nepaxan also exhibits distinct physical and behavioral traits based on its gender. Males are larger and more aggressive than females, while females are smaller and more nurturing. The Nepaxan's behavior can also vary based on its role within its group or community, with dominant individuals exhibiting aggressive or territorial behavior, and subordinate individuals exhibiting more submissive behavior.

Genetics and Reproduction

As a mammal, the Nepaxan gives birth to live young. The gestation period for the Nepaxan is similar to that of other mammals its size, typically lasting several months. Once the young are born, the mother Nepaxan cares for them until they are old enough to fend for themselves. This may involve nursing them, protecting them from danger, and teaching them the skills they need to survive. The young Nepaxans typically stay with their mother for a period of time before venturing out on their own. During their early years, the young Nepaxans are vulnerable and dependent on their mothers for food, shelter, and protection. As they grow and develop, they gradually become more independent and able to take care of themselves. By the time they reach adulthood, the young Nepaxans have typically learned the skills and knowledge they need to survive in their environment.

Growth Rate & Stages

The young Nepaxans begin their lives by drinking milk from their mothers, sustaining themselves on this nourishing substance for the first year of their lives. As they grow and develop, they start to explore other food sources, such as grasses and slop in a domesticated setting. By the time they reach the end of their second year, the Nepaxans are fully grown and ready to face the challenges of their world on their own.

Ecology and Habitats

The Nepaxan is well-suited to life in a woodland environment, with its robust and agile body, sharp claws, and keen senses. It moves easily among the trees and underbrush, searching for food and shelter. The Nepaxan's sharp ears allow it to detect the faintest of sounds, alerting it to potential prey or danger. Its sharp vision allows it to spot potential threats or opportunities from a distance. In the woodland, the Nepaxan faces many challenges. It must compete with other creatures for food and resources, such as insects, berries, and nuts. It must also avoid predators, such as birds of prey or larger mammals, who might see the Nepaxan as a potential meal. The Nepaxan must also adapt to the changing seasons and weather conditions, finding shelter and food during the cold winters and hot summers.   Despite these challenges, the Nepaxan thrives in the woodland environment. It uses its quick digging ability to create burrows and tunnels, providing it with shelter and protection from the elements. It uses its keen senses and sharp claws to hunt for food, such as insects, rodents, and small reptiles. And it uses its social skills to communicate and cooperate with others of its kind, working together to find food and protect their territory. Overall, the Nepaxan is a successful and adaptable creature in the woodland environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Nepaxan is an omnivorous creature, feeding on a wide variety of plants and animals. It hunts for insects, small mammals, and other creatures, using its sharp senses and claws to catch and kill its prey. It also forages for fruits, nuts, and other plant-based foods, using its sharp vision and quick digging ability to locate and obtain these resources. In terms of hunting and foraging, the Nepaxan uses a variety of strategies to locate and capture its food. It uses its keen senses to detect the sounds, smells, and movements of potential prey, allowing it to zero in on its target. It also uses its quick digging ability to dig up underground insects or roots, or to uncover hidden caches of food.   The Nepaxan also stores and protects its food sources in a variety of ways. It buries surplus food in the ground, using its sharp claws to dig a hole and cover the food with dirt. This provides the Nepaxan with a ready source of food when times are lean, or when it is unable to hunt or forage. It also protects its food from other creatures, hiding it in a burrow or other secure location, or using its sharp claws and teeth to defend it from thieves. Overall, the Nepaxan's diet, hunting and foraging strategies, and food storage and protection methods help it to survive and thrive in its environment.

Biological Cycle

As the seasons change, the Nepaxan's biology and behavior adapt in response. In the spring and summer, when the weather is warm and food is plentiful, the Nepaxan becomes more active. It hunts for insects and other small creatures, using its sharp senses and quick digging ability to find food. It also engages in social activities, such as playing and mating, taking advantage of the abundant resources and opportunities available at this time of year. In the fall and winter, when the weather becomes colder and food becomes scarce, the Nepaxan's behavior changes. It might become more dormant, conserving its energy and resources until conditions improve. It might also engage in behaviors such as hibernation or migration, moving to a new location where food and shelter are more readily available. The Nepaxan's biology also adapts to the changing seasons, growing thicker fur in the winter to keep warm, or shedding its fur in the summer to cool off.   Overall, the Nepaxan is adapted to the changing seasons and conditions of its environment, allowing it to survive and thrive over the course of its lifetime.


Towards members of its own species, the Nepaxan might exhibit social behavior, such as communication and cooperation. It might live in groups or communities, working together to find food, defend territory, and raise young. It might also engage in mating behaviors, such as courtship rituals, in order to reproduce and continue its species. Towards its predators, the Nepaxan might exhibit defensive behavior, such as fleeing, hiding, or fighting back. It might use its sharp senses and quick movements to avoid being detected or caught by predators. It might also use its sharp claws and teeth to defend itself, or seek protection from others of its kind.   Towards its prey, the Nepaxan might exhibit predatory behavior, such as stalking, chasing, and capturing its prey. It might use its sharp senses and quick movements to locate and approach its prey, and its sharp claws and teeth to kill and eat it. It might also use its quick digging ability to uncover underground prey, or to dig burrows or tunnels to ambush or trap its prey.   Overall, the Nepaxan's behavior towards members of its own species, predators, and prey would depend on the specific characteristics and circumstances of its environment.

Additional Information


The exact morphological and psychological traits that are altered during the domestication process would depend on the specific goals and methods of the breeders. Some possible changes might include: Morphological traits: The Nepaxan's size, shape, and coloration might be changed through selective breeding. For example, the Nepaxan might be bred to be larger or smaller, to have a specific color or pattern, or to have certain physical characteristics, such as a longer or shorter tail. Behavioral traits: The Nepaxan's behavior might be changed through training and socialization. For example, the Nepaxan might be taught to perform specific tasks, such as herding or hunting, or to exhibit specific behaviors, such as being friendly or obedient. Psychological traits: The Nepaxan's psychology might be changed through selective breeding and socialization. For example, the Nepaxan might be bred to be more or less aggressive, more or less anxious, or more or less intelligent.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Nepaxan is a small, agile creature that produces a waxy substance when it eats a lot. This substance covers its body, and has a perfumed smell that is attractive to humans. The Nepaxan's waxy substance can be collected and used for a variety of purposes. One use for the Nepaxan's waxy substance is as a lubricant. The substance is smooth and slippery, and can be used to reduce friction and wear on mechanical devices. It is also resistant to water and other liquids, making it ideal for use in wet or outdoor environments.   Another use for the Nepaxan's waxy substance is as a waterproofing agent. The substance forms a protective barrier over materials, preventing water and other liquids from penetrating and damaging them. This makes it useful for waterproofing clothing, tents, and other objects that are exposed to the elements.   The Nepaxan's waxy substance can also be used in the production of cosmetics. Its perfumed smell and smooth texture make it appealing to use in lip balm, eye shadow, and other beauty products. It can also be used as a fat for cooking food, adding flavor and moisture to dishes.   Overall, the Nepaxan's waxy substance has a range of useful properties and can be used for a variety of purposes. Its perfumed smell and versatility make it valuable to humans, and help to explain why the Nepaxan is domesticated and used by humans.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

woodlands primarily

Average Intelligence

less than intelligent. Beast of burden

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Nepaxan is known for its excellent hearing, which allows it to detect sounds from long distances and in a wide range of frequencies. This helps it locate prey, avoid danger, and communicate with other Nepaxans. The creature's sharp ears can pick up even the faintest of sounds, making it difficult to sneak up on or surprise. In addition to its keen hearing, the Nepaxan also has the ability to dig quickly and efficiently. It has a pair of sharp claws on each of its feet, which it uses to dig into the ground and create burrows or tunnels. This allows it to quickly and easily hide from predators or seek shelter from the elements. The Nepaxan's digging ability also comes in handy when it is hunting for food, as it can dig up underground insects or roots to eat. Overall, the combination of its excellent hearing and quick digging ability makes the Nepaxan a formidable and adaptable creature.

Civilization and Culture


These creatures are not sapient

Art created by Dalle-2
Scientific Name
5-10 years
Conservation Status
The Nepaxan is a mammal that is the size of a large dog when fully grown and up to the size of a small cow when fully fed. This creature produces an oil or wax when fully fed. It is likely protected by interested parties, such as those who keep it as a pet or value its wax-like substance. These parties may work together to ensure the survival and well-being of the Nepaxan through breeding programs, conservation efforts, and other measures. It is also possible that the Nepaxan is protected by laws or regulations.
Average Height
1 meter
Average Weight
5-15 kg (unfed)   600-700 kg (fed)
Average Length
1-2 meters depending on how much it's been fed
Average Physique
depends on how much they've been fed. anywhere from 5-15kg all the way up to 600-700kg if they've been fed a lot

Cover image: by MidJourney


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Jan 28, 2023 08:11

And this was the other species article I chose. This creature seems pretty normal at first glance, with it's special ability not becoming apparent unless you feed it a lot. One thing this article could do more of is describing the differences between the fed and unfed versions, but otherwise I can appreciate all the details that went into this one.