Anarac Species in Zaris | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Anarac is a small, agile species with a humanoid head and large, expressive eyes. Its ears are large and rounded or pointed, its face is slightly elongated. Its fingers and toes are clawed, allowing it to grasp and manipulate objects with precision. It has a long, thin tail that it can use for balance and maneuverability. The Anarac has a sturdy and agile build, well-suited for its intelligent and resourceful nature.   The Anarac have a sleek and agile appearance, with a streamlined body and flexible joints. Their fur is typically a mix of brown and grey, with some individuals having distinct markings or patterns on their fur. They have a slender yet muscular build, with long, powerful legs and a strong, agile tail. Their eyes are large and expressive, allowing them to communicate and express emotion through their facial expressions. They have a keen sense of hearing and smell, thanks to their pointed ears and sharp snout. Overall, the Anarac are a versatile and adaptable species, well-suited to their role as skilled engineers and craftsmen.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Anarac reproduce through litters, with each litter typically consisting of several offspring. Gestation periods are relatively short, lasting only a few months, and the Anarac have a high reproductive rate. However, the mortality rate for young Anarac is also high, due in part to the species' focus on intellectual pursuits and their lack of parental care. As a result, Anarac populations may fluctuate significantly over time. The average life expectancy for an Anarac is around 60 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Anarac have a relatively fast growth rate, reaching physical maturity at around 3-4 years of age. They have a lifespan of about 60 years on average. The Anarac reproduce by having litters of young, with a gestation period of about 3 months. The mortality rate for young Anarac is relatively high, due to the focus on intellectual pursuits and the harsh environment in which they live. Despite this, the Anarac population has been able to maintain a stable size over time. As they age, Anarac typically go through a series of life stages, including childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. During these stages, they experience physical and cognitive development and take on increasing levels of responsibility within their society.

Ecology and Habitats

The Anarac species is adapted to thrive in a variety of environments, including forests, mountains, and grasslands. They are agile climbers and are able to navigate through dense vegetation with ease. They prefer to build their homes and communities in trees, using their strong hands and claws to construct elaborate dwellings. The Anarac are also able to adapt to colder climates, using their thick fur coats to stay warm. They are primarily herbivorous, feeding on a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. They are also known to hunt small prey, using their sharp claws and teeth to catch and kill their food. The Anarac are social creatures, living in large groups and working together to gather resources and protect their territory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Anarac are omnivorous creatures, with a diet that includes both plant and animal matter. They have a particular fondness for insects and other small animals, which they often hunt and gather in the wild. They also consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains, which they cultivate or trade for with other species. In general, the Anarac prioritize efficiency and practicality in their diet, seeking out sources of nourishment that are readily available and easy to acquire. They are not particularly picky eaters and are able to thrive on a wide range of foods, although they do have a preference for protein-rich sources of sustenance. The Anarac have a strong sense of community, and often gather to share meals and celebrate their accomplishments together. They have a tradition of roasting large animals and feasting on them during special ceremonies, which serves as a way for them to come together as a group and celebrate their achievements.

Biological Cycle

The Anarac have a highly developed sense of the passing of the seasons, and their behavior and activity levels tend to vary according to the time of year. In the spring, they are often focused on preparing for the busy construction season ahead, gathering resources and making plans for the projects they will undertake. During the summer, they are at their most active, working long hours on construction sites and using their skills and expertise to build and repair infrastructure. In the fall, they may focus more on maintenance and upkeep, ensuring that their projects are in good repair as the colder months approach. In the winter, they tend to slow down, taking time to rest and recharge before the busy construction season begins again. The Anarac have a strong connection to the rhythms of the natural world, and their behavior is closely tied to the changing of the seasons.


The Anarac are known for their intelligence and focus on their work as engineers and builders. They have a strong drive to improve and innovate in their field, valuing education and knowledge and placing a great emphasis on developing their skills and expertise. They value their independence and autonomy, but are also highly collaborative and able to work effectively in groups towards a shared goal. The Anarac can be competitive and driven, but also value teamwork and cooperation. They may be prone to anxiety and stress due to their high levels of ambition and drive, but also possess a strong sense of determination and resilience. They may experience feelings of pride and accomplishment when successful in their endeavors. In terms of behavior, the Anarac are typically active and energetic, with a strong sense of curiosity and a desire to explore and learn. They may also be social, enjoying the company of others and participating in community events and activities.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Anarac have a highly organized and structured social system. They place a strong emphasis on education and knowledge, and value their autonomy and independence. They are fiercely competitive and driven, constantly seeking to improve and innovate in their field of engineering and construction. They value teamwork and cooperation, and are able to work well in groups towards a common goal. In terms of their social structure, they have a hierarchical system with individuals holding different ranks and positions based on their skills and expertise. They also have strong community bonds, participating in events and activities together and valuing the company of others. They have a strong sense of tradition and history, passing down their knowledge and skills to future generations. Despite their ambition and drive, they also value balance and may prioritize leisure and personal time in their daily lives.

Facial characteristics

The Anarac have a humanoid face with large, expressive eyes and prominent ears. Their nose is slightly pointed, and their mouth is small and slightly upturned at the corners, giving them a friendly and intelligent appearance. They have a strong jawline and a defined chin, and their forehead is broad and slightly curved. Overall, their facial features are agile and expressive, reflecting their intelligence and adaptability. They may also have a mix of both fine and rough fur on their face, depending on the individual.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Anarac are generally found in areas where their skills as engineers and builders are in demand. This includes major cities and urban centers, as well as areas undergoing construction or development. They may also be found in more rural locations where their expertise is needed for infrastructure projects or transportation systems. In terms of their natural habitat, they may be found in a variety of landscapes, including forests, mountains, fertile valleys, areas near rivers and oceans, swamps, and recently cleared areas next to forests. They are adaptable and able to thrive in a range of environments, but tend to prefer areas with access to resources and opportunities for growth and development.

Average Intelligence

They value education and place a strong emphasis on developing their skills and expertise, indicating a focus on intellectual growth and development. Their success in their chosen field of work also suggests a high level of problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Overall, it can be concluded that the Anarac are a highly intelligent species with a strong aptitude for analytical and technical tasks.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Anarac are a species with highly developed senses, particularly their sight and hearing. They have keen eyesight, which allows them to see fine details and make precise measurements when building and engineering. Their ears are large and sensitive, allowing them to detect sounds at a greater range and with more clarity than many other species. They also have a strong sense of smell, which can be useful in detecting materials and substances. In addition, their enhanced spatial awareness and balance, aided by their long, agile tail, allows them to navigate complex environments and make precise movements when working. They also have the ability to gauge the strength and durability of different materials, using both their physical senses and specialized tools and techniques. Overall, the Anarac are a highly perceptive and skilled species, with a natural aptitude for engineering and construction.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Anarac and the Cragalonians have a symbiotic relationship, with the Anarac providing their engineering expertise and technological advancements to help the Cragalonians gather and utilize resources more efficiently. In return, the Cragalonians provide the Anarac with access to the resources they need to continue their work and development. Both species benefit from this collaboration and have established a mutually beneficial partnership.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Anarac have a unique naming tradition that is closely tied to their work as engineers and builders. Their surnames often reflect their skills and expertise, and are chosen based on their accomplishments in their field. Some common examples of Anarac surnames include "Longboard," which might be chosen by a skilled carpenter or woodworker; "Crafty," which might be chosen by someone with a talent for creative problem-solving; "Roundstone," which might be chosen by someone who is particularly skilled at shaping and working with stone; and "Plank," which might be chosen by someone with a particular talent for constructing or repairing wooden structures. Overall, Anarac surnames are a reflection of their pride in their profession and their desire to be recognized for their hard work and dedication to their craft.

Major Organizations

(Work in progress)   The Anarac Engineering Guild: This organization would bring together the top Anarac engineers and builders to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and set industry standards. The Anarac Transportation Association: This organization would focus on designing and building efficient transportation systems, including roads, bridges, and transportation infrastructure.   The Anarac Education Society: This organization would work to improve education and training programs for Anarac engineers and builders, and promote lifelong learning within the community.   The Anarac Construction Company: This organization would be responsible for managing large-scale construction projects, such as building new cities or expanding existing ones.   The Anarac Research Institute: This organization would conduct research and development in the field of engineering and construction, and work to develop new technologies and materials for use in Anarac projects.

Beauty Ideals

It is likely that the Anarac place a high value on intelligence and standing within their social hierarchy when it comes to beauty ideals. Physical attributes such as long, healthy tails and sharp, strong claws may also be considered attractive. Scars may be seen as a sign of strength and experience, or they may be viewed as blemishes. Overall, the Anarac's beauty ideals are likely to be closely tied to their focus on engineering and their social status within their communities.

Courtship Ideals

In Anarac courtship, it is common for individuals to demonstrate their skills and intelligence through participation in joint engineering or building projects. These projects can range in complexity and scope, and the seriousness of the relationship may be indicated by the level of project undertaken. Another way Anaracs may court each other is by presenting gifts or tokens of affection that are related to their engineering or building pursuits, such as tools or plans for a future project. Physical displays of affection, such as grooming or touch, may also be a part of Anarac courtship.

Relationship Ideals

The ideal Anarac relationship would likely involve a strong partnership in both personal and professional endeavors. Anaracs value intelligence and ambition, so a successful relationship would involve mutual support and encouragement in each partner's goals and passions. Communication and collaboration would be important, as well as a willingness to work together towards common goals.

Average Technological Level

The Anarac are a technologically advanced species, with a focus on engineering and construction. They have developed a variety of tools and technologies related to these fields, such as advanced machinery, materials, and processes for building and designing structures. They also have invented or improved upon transportation systems, such as roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. In addition to these practical innovations, the Anarac may also have developed unique technologies related to their other interests and hobbies, such as educational or entertainment systems. They may be particularly skilled at adapting and improving upon existing technologies, as well as developing new solutions to problems through innovative thinking and experimentation.

Common Etiquette Rules

Anarac etiquette may place a strong emphasis on honesty and accuracy. They may value being correct over being polite, and may not shy away from speaking their minds or challenging others. However, they also place a strong emphasis on knowledge and education, and may show respect towards those who are more knowledgeable or skilled. In social situations, they may prioritize efficiency and productivity, and may not engage in small talk or idle conversation. They may also have strict protocols for communication and interactions, particularly in professional or work-related settings. Overall, Anarac etiquette may be driven by a desire for progress, advancement, and achievement, and may prioritize these goals over personal relationships or social norms.

Common Dress Code

In Anarac society, there is a clear hierarchy when it comes to dress code. The higher an individual is in the social ladder, the more elaborate and luxurious their clothing is likely to be. Those at the top of the hierarchy may have access to custom-made clothing and the latest fashion trends, while those lower down may have to make do with simpler, more practical garments. However, even those at the lower end of the hierarchy may put a strong emphasis on personal presentation, as being well-dressed is seen as a sign of respect and professionalism. Overall, clothing is an important aspect of Anarac culture, and is used as a way to display one's social standing and professional achievements.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Anarac culture is deeply rooted in their love for engineering and construction, with a strong emphasis on education and knowledge. Their heritage is reflected in their intricate and innovative designs in their roads and bridges, which are often recognized by their unique shapes and visual signatures. The Anarac place a high value on productivity and efficiency, and this is reflected in their societal hierarchy, with those who are more skilled and successful in their field holding higher standing. In terms of fashion, the Anarac have a diverse range of styles, with some choosing practicality and function over fashion, while others place a strong emphasis on fashion forward and elaborate clothing. Their social structure is based on a combination of individual achievement and group collaboration, with a strong sense of community and cooperation. The Anarac have a deep respect for their culture and heritage, and often incorporate elements of it into their daily lives and traditions.

Common Taboos

Laziness and the destruction of completed work are both considered taboo among the Anarac. Other possible taboos could include disobeying the hierarchy or failing to show respect for knowledge and education. It's also possible that certain behaviors or actions that are seen as disrespectful or disruptive to the community at large could be considered taboo among the Anarac.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Anarac are skilled engineers and builders, while the Cragalonians have a rocky exoskeleton and earthy coloration that makes them well-suited for physical labor. Together, they can work on major construction projects and benefit from each other's strengths. It is possible that the Anarac may also rely on the Cragalonians for protection in certain situations, as the Cragalonians are known for their strength and durability. Overall, the relationship between the two species appears to be mutually beneficial and respectful, with both parties valuing and supporting each other's contributions.

Art created by Dalle-2
Scientific Name
Average Height
3-4 ft
Average Weight
50-70 lbs
Average Length
Tail 1 meter
Average Physique
The average Anarac is of a medium build, with a sturdy and well-proportioned physique. They may be slightly shorter in height than humans, ranging from 3-4 feet tall. Their bodies are agile and well-suited for manual labor, with strong and clawed hands and feet that allow them to manipulate tools and materials with precision. They also have a long and flexible tail that helps them maintain balance and stability. Overall, their bodies are adapted for the demands of their work as engineers and builders, and they are likely to be strong and durable despite their relatively small size.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Anarac are likely to have a range of different tints, colorings, and markings on their bodies. They may have a mixture of fur and skin, with a range of different shades and patterns. Some may have more muted, earthy tones, while others may have brighter, more vibrant coloring. They may have markings such as stripes, spots, or other patterns on their fur.   They may also have distinct facial markings, such as whiskers or a distinctive nose or mouth. Overall, the Anarac are likely to have a varied and diverse appearance, with a wide range of different physical characteristics.

Cover image: by MidJourney


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Jan 13, 2023 23:04

An interesting species. Given their intelligence, I can see them as engineers, but it's more difficult to see them as builders due to their size and build.

Jan 13, 2023 23:11

That makes sense, they use a lot of specialized tools. I'll have to update the species with information to make it more believable!

Jan 28, 2023 03:20 by George Sanders

Lots of details about these creatures! I was surprised as I read at how large they were and their long lifespan. They are very rigid and traditional culturally and it is interesting they live with another species. Great depth.

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Jan 28, 2023 09:53

Thank you for the feedback. I have a bit of formatting needed for this article, but I really enjoyed creating these creatures!