North Gilaan Settlement in Zantin | World Anvil

North Gilaan

One of the Twin Cities, North Gilaan is along the main trade route leading to Southern Myrthul. It was the capitol of Dalure before being devastated by a dragon attack in 1288 and is currently being rebuilt along with a portion of the Great Wall.

Industry & Trade

North Gilaan has many large farms just outside the city, and with its housing of the safest and most traveled trade route from north to south Myrthul, also has the largest produce export, especially maize and wheat. North Gilaan also houses an impressive market square where merchants who don't wish to travel further south can set up wagons and sell their goods to local traders that are willing to journey into the colder regions.


With the Great Northern Wall on their north side in combination with fairly flat ground leading into the Mirror Wastes, North Gilaan is extremely susceptible to heavy flooding from the Buryu River. In order to address the issue, when the city was constructed, Dalurians built three bypass channels through the city. In the event of a flood, the bypasses can be controlled to relieve water from the main channel.


During the Abyss War, Dalure was struggling to hold its territories from the demons spawning in the valley. It was decided that if the demons' attention could be brought to the south, they could began a massive construction project to keep the demons from spilling into the north. As Halholm and Morathin led their offensive, the Great North Wall was erected and the beginning of turning tides.   Following the Abyss war and the return of the Dalurian people to the valley, construction began on the inner side of the Great North Wall. The expansion of the city was amazingly quick despite the devastation of the war and the first of the Twin Cities was mostly finished within a few years. The city continues to expand inward towards the center of the valley, its farthest edges mostly farms and watchtowers.   Recently North Gilaan was victim to a dragon attack, an incident not seen in the valley for over a hundred years. The destruction was concentrated within the dense city leaving most of the city's farms unscathed. Reconstruction began in 1289 and is close to completion.


The city was originally built with mostly cobbled stone and some lumber materials, but with its recent reconstruction, much of the buildings are being updated to newer materials such as brick and mortar. The inner city is surrounded by a semi-circle wall around a third the height of the Great Wall, and was the original boundary for the city. After generations of expansion, there have been many partial walls built outside this smaller wall, but no more that completely enclose the city.
Inhabitant Demonym
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