Ninmizel the Peace Bringer Character in Zami Ramal | World Anvil
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Ninmizel the Peace Bringer

Lady Ninmizel El Ossim (a.k.a. Peacebringer, Lady of Light, Ninmizel the Wise)

Ninmizel was born to a nomadic tribe of human people about 50 years after the Landing. Her parents were goatherders for the tribe and her birth was normal. Ninmizel grew up playing among the tribes other children and learned to read and write very quickly. It was when she reached puberty that her celestial heritage began to manifest. Her eyes glimmered and she was able to cause light in dark places, as well as having dark vision. She was brought to the Great Temple in Hajdib to be examined and it was found, after some weeks of isolation and questioning, that she had been blessed by Mykiel, the angel of justice. Ninmizel was schooled in the ways of war and strategy, of politics and humanities by the scholars of Hajdib.

At the age of 18, she began to long for the freedom of the tribal life. However, in the deserts, the tribes had become much more belligerent and warlike, raiding each other's camps with fire and sword, killing women and children as well as the armed men. The bloodshed and destruction alarmed and distressed Ninmizel deeply and she swore that she would find a way to bring the conflicts to an end. She studied the causes and the background of the hatred between tribes and, after a few years, deduced that the Landing, the coming of the outsiders to Zami Ramal, had upset the balance of the people. The new influx could not be undone, she knew. There would have to be a treaty, a promise that the fighting would stop, that the outsiders would no longer be seen as such and that all the worlds inhabitants should be equal and treated fairly.

Ninmizel, now a recognised scholar and political influencer at the tender age of 23, called a gathering of all tribal leaders, including the dragonborn of the south, the elves, and neko-kin of the north and all other tribes that were indigenous and that had come with the Landing. It is written that the angel Mykiel stood on the earth that day and spoke his judgment upon the peoples, though not through fear nor threat did he make peace but by allowing the people to see their beautiful, prosperous lands as one, in harmony and with love and kindness. Thus was a promise made to Ninmizel and Mykiel that there should be no more war, no more enmity and all should be equal.

From that day to this, war has been unknown in Zami Ramal and all species of sentient beings are seen as equal under the laws. There will always be those that disobey, that try the patience, that are overcome by greed or jealousy but their effects are minimal and dealt with swiftly.
Ninmizel is remembered with a statue in the main square of Hajdib, depicting her as a winged woman in armour wielding a scroll to show her wisdom and a balance to represent justice.

The angel Mykiel has today given the world a vision of eternal peace, of tribal unity and of abolishing the teaching and learning of warlike ways. So shall it be.
— Ninmizel

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Protector aasimar are charged by the powers of good to guard the weak, to strike at evil whereever it arises, and to stand vigilant against the darkness. From a young age, a protector aasimar receives advice and directives that urge to stand against evil.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

When roused, her celestial heritage caused Ninmizels eyes to glimmer and two luminous, incorporeal wings to sprout from her back.

Special abilities

Darkvision. The Lady had superior vision in dark and dim conditions. She was able to see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Celestial Resistance. Ninmizel had resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.
Healing Hands. The Lady was able to touch a creature and cause it to heal many wounds or sickness once a day.
Light Bearer. The Lady could bring light into any darkness, from a small magical source within her soul.

Personality Characteristics


Ninmizel desires peace and love across all the world.
Lawful Good
1056 1179 123 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to tribal human parents.
Circumstances of Death
Passed into the celestial light 100 years after the Treaty aged 123.
The Ossim tribe camp.
Grey, shimmering, intense.
Long, wavy and black with silver ends.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Almost albino.

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