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Yvarya was once ruled by the El'Kiri, beings which the Gods slew long before the time of humans. In the present day, the rich and wealthy maintain a tight control over their lands, while the common folk suffer under their reign. Nations are torn asunder, wars are being fought, and powerful evils lurk beneath the surface, ready to burst forth. With a world so divided and individualistic, and an elder horror ready to make his move, the world needs someone, anyone, willing to unite and save it. sfnsd l kes fwew kef wefaake wfwej fkwejn fwfnwekj fwekjfke nwe kfnweknf wkfwkefw kej jfewk fwekjfe fnkajwenfwifn jf wfef wejfew;ldf weijif ewfew fijwf wek wkfwekfwekef . I am here.   Oof this is something.   Breadan Astor Ebrium Fendeldel

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