Psolmir, The Forgotten Language of Faith Language in Ythrannil | World Anvil

Psolmir, The Forgotten Language of Faith

A Godless World

Orore is a godless world. A world that was stolen from the gods several millennia ago by Exode, a powerful lord of chaos that almost succeeded at his godhood ascension. His failure was only due to the old world pantheon allying and creating an otherworldly prison for the mortal tyrant. A prison that no one could escape from... That no one could ever save him from. However, Exode did the unthinkable in his last moment of freedom. He stole the world from the gods as he was forcefully imprisoned. As the last pieces of the eternal cage locked themselves into place, the gods cheered, not hearing the cries of anguish of their followers as their world was sucked in by their enemy. When silence filled the planes again, the gods cried like they never had before. No prayers, hopes, and thoughts could be heard in the firmament. The world had disappeared, replaced by darkness and utter silence.  

Into Oblivion

From inside his cage, Exode laughed as he manipulated the primordial energies to transform his acquisition into his image and infuse it with his own malicious energy, killing hundreds of thousands of souls in the process. He had succeeded despite his failure. Becoming the one and only Gog-King by his actions. He could still feel some residual divine energy clinging to his creation. His next action was to erase its existence, forbidding anyone from calling upon it. Since that moment, no divine power, except for the one jealously offered by the God-King himself, has ever existed or been made available to Orore's inhabitants. And no prayers were ever answered again. With churches, cathedrals, and religious institutions left to ruin, Psolmir faded from memory within 200 years. The God-King severely punished any creatures not idolizing him, forbidding them from praying to anyone except him. With the planes empty of divine beings, prayers echoed into emptiness, making it easy for Exode to hear them and find their origins. Executioners would then be sent to silence the culprits.  

A New Beginning

Not really a language but more a template on how to create divine spells, write holy tomes, or just properly offer prayers, Psolmir is only remembered by rare and precious erudites. Its knowledge was kept alive by rebellious adventurers who needed to decipher and understand the rites and writing found in millennia-old religious ruins. Now, with Exode slain for more than two millennia, several sacred sites have been unearthed, revealing their secrets and holy documents, creating a renewed interest in the dead language. Slowly but steadily, Psolmir is gaining more and more adepts, rising slowly from oblivion.   Who knows what might happen if Orore's inhabitants exploit Psolmir's unique divine structure anew, now that the God-King's is not actively fighting its power. Only time will tell.


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Feb 21, 2021 11:14

Sounds really interesting! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Feb 21, 2021 18:42

Very interesting concept! :) Would love to learn more about it exact working of this language!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!