Lustless Warding Tradition / Ritual in Yrnath | World Anvil

Lustless Warding

In some cultures, the mere discussion of sexual activity or lustful desires was reason for punishment or exile. As one might be able to imagine, these cultures often placed succubi as the "great evil" of their creation myths and folk tales, claiming these beings travelled into their communities under the guise of a harmless visit before enslaving the village's population. Despite this not being quite how succubi work, these cultures tended to create safeguards against these beings of raw sexual desire.   One uncomfortably common safeguard is known as the Lustless Warding, a ritual designed to ensure men are immune to the effects of a succubus' abilities. These rituals usually involved a degree of body mutilation, and as such the exact process involved with certain parts of the ritual are being intentionally excluded.  

The Ritual

Most Lustless Warding rituals begin with the individual set to undergo the ritual, referred to as the "vulnerable", drinking a rather unhealthy concoction of natural herbs, plants, and copious amounts of alcoholic beverages. This is meant to cleanse the soul of lust, as the "vulnerable" must have their spirit "cured" before they can have their bodies "purified".   The actual "purifying" of their bodies involves removing their genitals, believing that succubi control men through their sexual organs. Notably, this is not at all how succubi control anyone, making such a decision rather extreme. The next parts of the ritual are extremely gruesome, as mentioned earlier, and so they will not be written into this text.  


As one might imagine, these rituals had a wholly negative effect on the people who underwent them and the communities in which these rituals were a regular practice.   For the individual who undergoes the ritual, the loss of their genitals was usually done while all parties present were heavily intoxicated, and as such these rituals have become associated with a high mortality rate. Even in cases where only the "vulnerable" was intoxicated, the full ritual usually lead to the individual going hours without proper medical care following the removal, greatly increasing the likelihood of infection and death.   For the communities, the ritualistic practice of genital removal among men had the exact effects one might imagine it to have. Specifically, with most or all of the town's men without the proper genitals, the birth rates within these communities collapsed. There is a reason that talk about these cultures exists entirely in the past tense, as these cultures tend to die out within a few generations after the practice becomes commonplace.