Ylly Homepage | World Anvil


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Welcome to the Ylly project. Join me on a joyous romp through a poorly documented and confusing, but highly developed world filled with Acton, adventure, betrayal, bad coffee, and really complicated energy related mechanics.   This ordeal started as a simple concept for custom tabletop campaigns. Nothing really complicated, just a few races, classes, places.   As the campaigns went on, it was only natural for extensive lore to evolve. Suddenly I had stories and history, cultures and religions. The project switched creative gears from tabletop to world building and story telling.   As the world building progressed I ended up with dozens and dozens of scattered notes of various levels of completion. Then I found world anvil and condensed everything. Once everything was all in one place it was easy to greatly expand on existing notes.   Which brings us to now, where the world has developed to such a degree that it once again warrants an RPG setting. The information found within is therefore less of an exercise in storytelling, and more a random spattering of facts to provide a basis for storytelling.   The progress has been slow due to several issues including legit brain damage, but steady.   A project of many goals, the results have been, so far, satisfying.   So why don't we just drive right into the Ylly intro