The Plains of Vallorick Geographic Location in Yerava | World Anvil
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The Plains of Vallorick (Va-lore-ick)

The Plains of Vallorick are an expansive steppe-like area extending nearly 500 miles east to west, located right off the southern end of the spine mountains. The plains consist of temperate grasslands, savannahs and shurblands. The plains are one of the main geographical areas seperating the areas colloquially known as the Northern Tribelands and the Southlands. The plains have served as a vital georgraphical area for many of the cultures of Yerava including the Yuanma, who governed it for nearly the entire exsitsence of their empire, and more recently the Vallandar peoples for whom it is now named. Due to its open terrain, the Plains of Vallorick have been a major thouroughfare for oth trade and culutural diffusion from the North and South, but also for the occasional visit from cultures further out in the far East. Several trade routes have been developed through the plains over several eras, and as such it has been a major point of conflict and the sight of numerous major battles throughout history.  



The Yuanma settle the Plains

In the earliest known histories, the Plains of Vallorick were once a wild palce, settled by numerous Northern tribes all vying for control. Nearly 2 decades after the Yuanma were established in the mortal world, the expansion of their budding empire had brought them to the doorstep of the great plains. The first great emperor of the first Yeravan dynasty, Kalieda the conqueror recognized the plains as the first great step towards pacifying the wildmen of the north. While the tribes further north would be a much more daunting task to conquer, the tribes that had settled in Vallorick were the remains of the scragglers too weak tp gain a foothold further north. To Kalieda, they were to be a minor annoyance in his quest to rule each corner of the known world.

With superior force and strategy, Kalieda mopped up the norrthmen tribes in a series of wars lasting less than 6 months combined. WIth the northmen tribes passified, the work was begun to turn the entirety of the plains into a massive staging area for greater conquests to be in the coming years. Six great fortress cities were built, one in the north, the north east, north west, south west, south east, and the last in the center of the plains. Each would stand as a testament to the immaculate power of the newly formed Yuanma empire, and a warning to those whom would soon be made enemies.

Soon after conquest, work began on the 6 major fortress cities. The greatest of them all, the city of Agartha , was built in the center of the plains, to serve as the Grand provincial capitol, and a hub of both trade, and cultural exchange.



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