Digging In Plot in XOver | World Anvil
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Digging In

Scenario 3: Freeport Style   The Team accepts Simmerswell's offer of employment, fully aware that the Diving Fin is about to come under attack. They gather further more information and prepare for the inevitable.   Their first shift starts innocently enough with a local "birthday boy" (wasn't) starts a little rowdiness and gets summarily tossed out, followed by his friends. Debreu then comes out to make him pay, which he grudgingly does to the eventual heckling of his "friends."   H&P 4040 - debut of Hunt and Paradigm - draws a positive rave after a slow start, followed soon after a poisoning attempt which is detected early by Debreu and dealt with in time by Great Bartending (Claudia).   They find the poison food and stop it from going out; they decide to let the turncoat go - after they set a tracker upon him. They confirm that Mr. Wednesday was behind the plot to disrupt the Diving Fin; he wasn't a big fan of its neutrality in "his part of town."


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