Dismantler Reproduction Tradition / Ritual in Xon | World Anvil
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Dismantler Reproduction

— the average female Dismantler in labour, if someone so much as comes within 20 feet of her

General Reproduction

Like all Xon robots, Dismantlers reproduce using genetic code taken from male and female. However, that's about where the similarities end, and Dismantlers have a different reproductive life cycle compared to other robot races.   Dismantlers primarily practice polyandry (female with multiple male partners), as females are capable of bearing young from multiple fathers (superfecundation). Gestation lasts 6 months, during which the female Dismantler is very aggressive and moody as hell.  

Labour & Birth

Labour and birth is a strictly mother-only event. Female Dismantlers are notoriously aggressive and protective when it comes to their babies, and she will isolate them and herself from her partners and everyone else. Very rarely will her partners ever pose an actual threat' to her or their safety; she's just super cranky and hormonal.   Most homes will have a 'Birthing Chamber' where the mother will labour, care for her babies, and spend most of her time. She will briefly leave to go get energy sustenance ('food'), and return. Her partners also give it to her, though at a distance of course.   On average, a female Dismantler will give birth to 12-20 babies at a time. The name for all the baby Dismantlers born at a single time is called a brood. It is very common (and expected) for some babies in the brood to be stillborn or die within the first 2 years of life. The surviving total tends to be 6-14.   Shortly after giving birth, female Dismantlers can immediately go into a heat cycle, where they have a high chance of becoming pregnant again. Back to back pregnancies is very common (and often encouraged in Dismantler culture). This is also partly why she will isolate herself, as her partners may be feeling frisky, and that's the absolute last thing she wants to do.   In partnerships that have been together for many years, the Dismantler mother is usually a bit more relaxed about having her partners around her and her babies. In some, they may even be with her while she gives birth.  

Infant & Maternal Mortality

"Well, more where that came from."
  While the Dismantler Kingdom and Dismantlers treasure children, Dismantler culture has a very strong 'survival of the fittest' mentality. Babies that fail to thrive, are stillborn, or die within the first few years of life or so are considered weak, and it'd be foolish of the mother/parents to waste their time and energy on it. It is viewed as a way to keep the bloodline, and the Dismantler race, strong and resilient.   However, that doesn't mean parents don't ever get sad when they lose children. Most of the time they only mourn the ones that've been named. As well, if a baby/child dies of outside causes (eg. Murder), the parents will be rightfully upset, even if it wasn't named.   Unfortunately, maternal death is also a big problem in the Dismantler Kingdom. Female Dismantlers dying from childbirth and post-natal complications is seen as the norm (and in a way expected to happen regularly). It is almost entirely preventable, but because mothers get super protective about their babies and isolate themselves, there's little way for her to get help. Mothers are also often too proud to even admit they need help, and childbirth is viewed as something that, while tragic, is just a fact of life. Mothers who have died during childbirth are held to the same honour and respect as a soldier who has died in battle.


A male baby Dismantler and parent.
After her hormones have cooled down and she isn't (quite as) neurotic, a Dismantler mother will allow her partners to see their babies, usually after a few months. While there's no formal name for this introduction, most will call it 'yielding'. Her partners take extra caution and approach her with utmost respect and consideration. Bringing her gifts, asking permission before touching them, touching her, holding them etc. is expected. At any time she starts to feel on edge, she will make her displeasure known and they will be dismissed (or screeched at if she's in a particularly bad mood).  


A (baby) Dismantler is always named by their mother except in a few cases. Her partners/the fathers have no say in the names, and it is considered extremely disrespectful towards her if they even try to suggest names, let alone outright name them (they can however help her if she is having trouble with ideas, though this is still uncommon). Around 3 years is when they're often named, as by this time they are considered 'strong' and worthy.   In rare cases of the father(s) having a say, this is usually because he saved her life in some way, they've been together for many years and have a strong bond, and/or she is being coerced into letting him name them. The first 2 (especially if he saved her life) is done as a way of honouring him. The last is usually due to abuse.   Dismantlers usually have both a Dis'Mantler and a Common name since non-Dismantlers cannot speak or pronounce Dis'Mantler. Names are fairly strange by English/Common standards (eg. Halt, Rend, Voyage, Insist, Take) because they don’t translate well. Usually they have a more complex meaning, but for the sake of simplicity their names are made into simple English/Common words. (eg. Halt's name in Dis'Mantler means 'his beauty brings them to a standstill')  

Last Names

  Dismantlers don't have a 'last name' in the traditional sense. Instead their surname/suffix denotes who their mother is and is formatted as 'of [mother's name]' Eg. Halt of Voyage.   In the Dismantler Kingdom and Dismantler's view, a female Dismantler's offspring usually has different fathers. However, they are always hers without a doubt. The last name/suffix is a way of honouring her, since Dismantler Kingdom society is heavily matriarchal.
The Dismantler Kingdom and Dismantlers are heavily matriarchal, and this is reflected in their customs around courting, birth, and child rearing.
Related Ethnicities

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