Shoford Settlement in Xillick | World Anvil
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A primarily academic city. Many of its inhabitants remain only a few years, to train or study, though some are permanent fixtures; professors, boardinghouse owners and the like.


A town council, subdivided into five districts. A democracy. Though strongly influenced by local universities and folks of knowledge, and frequently consulting with relevant scholars on pending decisions. This can lead to issues of information insecurity for the government, which could have the potential to cause civil unrest, or invite invasion.

Industry & Trade

Primarily an academic city.


A large library and two huge universities, an aqueduct, (which was a project designed and overseen by various scholars of different universities,) and a few, smaller training institutes. A canal (again, also conceived and overseen by the city's architectural and engineering scholars). Bridges and sealed roads. (As opposed to roads on Earth, Shoford's roads are all an odd sort-of cream or a light grey.)


A lot of tiled, sloping roofs, with sharp, piercing points atop. Circular towers rooms and buildings. Most of the exterior colour on a building is on the roof, though some wider buildings may instead have colourful window trimmings. Towers are typically thinner in Shoford than elsewhere in Xillick. A fair amount of white and evergreen make up the primary colour palette in Shoford, especially in its' older architecture.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Learning, The University/Universal City
500 000
Related Professions

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Cover image: by Worldspinner


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