Koldric Geographic Location in Xardia | World Anvil
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The homeland of the Ronian people based loosely on Germanic and Spanish culture, the land was once a city-state but since being conquered has been renamed. Originally known as "Ronia", now Koldric as of 6,034 AR, the entire country effectively acts as a slave-state for weaponry and technology development of the Empire, abusing the Ronian's for their natural talent in such things.   Ronia was originally a grand sprawling supercity that lacked any separation in its individual towns or villages. Instead it found its place as a grand city of brass and glass, with rising spires far into the sky of white polished stone. Great roads connected to large public transportation powered by steam-engines propelled citizens through the streets. Entire towns worth of citizens built into these grand spires from the foundation stone, to the sky.   There were no separate 'cities', but instead dozens of towns and cities were fused together. Built off one another outward, downward, and upward in every way so that citizens would spend their entire lives never having to step out into the wild jungles around them. Even expanding out into the sea, building entire underwater metropolis'. However, with the fall of Ronia these years of glory are no more.   The sprawling cityscape has collapsed, crumbled, and been devoured by nature without properly educated scientists and engineers to maintain the original designs. The once-great underground network that was supposed to be only for transportation and maintaining the inner workings of the cities have now devolved into mold and filth-ridden slums. Much of the advanced technology has been lost, and ruins are more common than functional, living sections of towns.   At the heart of Koldric is the only location in which the grand spires remain functional, barely held together by the "brightest minds of Koldric" that struggle to even maintain them. There, the upper-class of Koldric lives within the rising spires as a clear hierarchy to the slaves forced to live below within the Undercity.  


What was originally the great Ronian Republic, has long since been disbanded during the last years of the Thousand-Year Blood War when Ronia fell, and suffered a near-genocide. The city-state's new government is founded on the principles of an Industrial Oligarchy in which all power is wielded through economics and individual might. Status within the citizens of Koldric stems only from their heritage and current power.   Ronian's are known as any that are descended from the original natives of the land and are branded at birth with a mark adorning their left shoulders. These individuals are unable to ever attain true citizenship and are considered slaves for life within Koldric, generally forced into the Undercity unless they show unusual talent or favor to be taken in as an "Upper-Slave" instead.  


Narcotics, corrupted regents, chemical weaponry, firearms, black powder and precious metals.  

Internal Affairs



The upper-class of Koldric, those that are not slaves themselves nor even individuals of Ronian descent. The Uppercity is the upper-side of the sprawling, massive spires that stretch above the ground and touch daylight. The few that are still functional house the various upper-class that have been imported from the Ceridian Empire to "properly run" the slave-state. They are all various minor nobility from Ceridia that see running Koldric as their chance at becoming families of more importance in the eyes of the Empire.   Due to this, though in comparison to the Undercity and Depths more assuredly it may be a bustling, brilliant and lavish location, the so-called Uppercity is also a crumbling mess. With incompetent, greedy families dominating the market and milking the lower levels of the land for all they can. Yet they lack the knowledge to maintain the spires they reside on, and the manpower as well as the ability to transfer resources up the great spires from the ground.   As such the so-called upper class of Koldric barely live lives comparable to lesser nobility, and rely entirely on the harbors, connections to other lands, and most importantly the Undercity in order to sustain themselves. Selling weaponry, narcotics, precious metals and anything else they can in order to import the supplies needed to survive. A slow, steady downward spiral for the entire nation where they expect to get extra resources and support from Ceridia now that the war is at an end, despite the fact most know there's no chance of such a thing with how quickly the entire continent is slipping as well.   The Undercity and Depths however have little choice but to do as their told, years of slavery combined with a mass-slaughter of the Ronian people, and the superior military might of the Uppercity found in the Enforcers, the alchemically-augmented supersoldiers of Koldric, ensuring that escape cannot be easily acquired.  


Also known as what is left of the great city-state's lower levels. Now ruled by the Sklavistier's, or "Slave-Lords". The enslaved upper echelons of the environment rule the Undercity with an iron fist against the other slaves. They are often those that have risen in status to the point the Uppercity acknowledges them and is even willing to trade with them. Providing deals that benefit both of them. Often, the Slave-Lords deal with narcotics and exotic stimulants, or in minerals and rare reagents found in the deep mines and underground lakes.   There are a total of three current leaders of the Undercity, with each holding a plethora of lesser Sklavistier that follow them and lead their own numerous gangs. The Uppercity has practically no power within the Undercity and as such when there is a problem, often it is left to the slaves and gangsters involved in the clash to settle their own disputes. Only if it becomes a major event involving territory, rare supplies, or anything else worth large amounts of funds will the Sklavistier personally become involved in the problem. Even then it's generally only the Sklavistier that own and control the areas having these problems.   Monthly meetings between the "Three Kings" happen, but as all of them are constantly looking to further their own power while also maintaining the balance so that their lands aren't thrown into absolute chaos, they are often short and only about managing key information that must be shared amongst one another. Individuals that live in the Undercity however, are still people. Though money and power rules within Koldric, it doesn't mean the entire land is nothing but cutthroats.  


The original network of tunnels acted as transportation beneath the earth as well as the support systems for the electricity, plumbing, steam networks, and connections into the mines. Now, the Depths are half-flooded ruins of dilapidated old technology few know how to understand, let alone repair. The location in which the lowest ranking of slaves, the crippled, the dying, and sick are sent to work or to be removed. These individuals are known as "Trenchers".   Generally run by its own culture of gang-lords amongst the slaves and downtrodden that claim "ownership" of the Depths, though only due to the fact no one else wants them. The only areas in which the Undercity gets involved is the various mines, in which they will often make deals with the Gangs that control those territories trading supplies for peaceful access to the mines and protection for the slaves sent there.   Life expectancy is incredibly short within the Depths for a plethora of understandable reasons, from injury, sickness, dead bodies and horrible living conditions with no access to sunlight. But more than that is the toxic air stemming from the various mines found spanning the Depths, combined with the fetid water flooded with chemicals and corpses. Due to this, the few children born of the Depths that manage to survive often have incredible constitutions and resistance to chemicals.   With the security systems of Ronia no longer in place, it's also incredibly common for areas of the Labyrinth to shift and suddenly connect to the Depths. In these moments spreading corruption can run rampant through the depths until the Undercity, or in rare cases, the Uppercity, involve themselves to seal these new entrances and "purge" any affected.


Koldric technically owns a massive section of land to the south housed within deep jungles, swampland, and coastal mangroves. They border on the hills, mountains and plains of Conlis as well as the jungles and sprawling badlands of Muldia. These swamplands and jungles are known for their rare minerals, exotic materials, as well as dangerous flora and fauna both.

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