Kara Rex Character in Xardia | World Anvil
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Kara Rex

Kara Rex (a.k.a. Moonwitch)

Kara is an elder fae who has struggled to adjust to the changing world. When she was young the world was a wartorn continent and her role as a guardian of the Forest of her people was something necessary and useful. It was so for hundreds of years. Now Kara has spent three thousand years stuck in that time, failing to move on herself and lacking a support network to help her do so. Those who were originally closest to her have found focus for their lives in other ways and moved on without noticing they were leaving their sister behind. Now Kara is an immortal relic of an age long past.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kara's power is nocturnal and coincides with the moon and it's phases. Every dusk she begins to grow in power, until she is nigh invincible when the moon is high in the sky. Once dawn comes she weakens, and remains frail throughout the day while the sun is up. During a new moon, she is still stronger than she is during the daytime, but technically at her 'weakest' strong point. During a full moon, she is at an extremely strong point. With a super moon, her power is infinite & at it's strongest; she cannot be killed on these nights.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kara is a protector. She wanders through her family's Fairy Forest at night, guarding it from all dangers; of which there were many in the early days) when the borders of humankind were growing and becoming established. Now most nights she simply wanders, observing the health of the forest and helping it along with her magic. She stays closer to her family's grounds, helping to make sure young Rex fey are safe in their beds.   Because of her nightly role, she's become something of a local legend within the Forest. Elders that know of her bow their heads in respect...but younger fey run from her. As her family grew in size, her relatives began telling their children that if they dared to wander out at night, a moonwitch that wandered the forest at night would snatch them up and have them as a midnight snack. It began as a joke, and an easy way to scare usually-unruly Rex children into staying in bed for night. Unfortunately for Kara, the story not only stuck around, but grew popular outside of her family. Her half-daeva genes means that she is unusually tall for a fairy, making the story easy to believe. For generations now she's been a midnight terror for younger fey.   In reality, Kara is more along the lines of a druid. She uses decaying magic to help the forest through it's cycles of life and death. She uses animal-speak to monitor the Forest. And she's into witchery. With her inherent moonlight-based powers, she prefers to concoct her potions the same way. She mixes the ingredients for her potions at dusk and distills them in moonlight. Her specialty are potions that aid with sleep, and ones that have calming properties.



Mental Trauma

After a situation which nearly got her killed, for hundreds Kara was cursed to sleep for most of the noon hours. It was done for her own safety, placed on her by her elder sister Eir, but the involuntary nature of the curse meant it was the starting point for Kara's alienation from her family. She resented being controlled in such a manner, and though she's long since grown strong enough to break the curse, by the time she did her sisters already felt far out of reach. Eir had isolated herself to be with her mate Asterope, and Aranwen was off warring with her granddaughter Galena. Today she may live near them and greet them during the night, but Kara has been very much alone for a long time.
3,917 Years
Date of Birth
2,214 AR
Light green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale white
150 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"...Watch where you step. You'll upset the balance."
Related Myths
Known Languages
Speaks daevish and ancient faerin; does not speak any modern languages

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Character Portrait image: by acverg


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