Dra'Kun Geographic Location in Xardia | World Anvil
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Dra'Kun (Drah-Cone)

This land has suffered, as have we. We have been bridled, whipped, collared and chained. Our culture trod upon like mud, and forced to wander the wastes of Conlisian borders for as long as I have lived. But I raise this banner not out of vengeance, nor for hatred. Our people guarded the borders of civilization from the nightmares of this worlds depths, unthanked, alone, and never complained nor hesitated in their duty. I do not forgive these wretches. But I understand this world. I understand the screams of their children just as much as I do our own. I raise this banner for our people, our lands, our children. Our future.
— Satori Ryuutei, Skyblade of Dra'Kun


The government of Dra'Kun uses the foundation principles of Meritocracy, in that the only part of an individual that matters is their power. This term is used as a very vague coverage of all forms of skill, knowledge, experience, raw power, magic, physical ability, and more. One's power can be political standing and charisma, or extensive knowledge and skill. it can even be raw magical power and combat prowess. Positions within the Government are distributed based on the individual's strength and their genetics mean nothing.   This is where the government evolves, however, turning into a system more akin to Stratocracy. As the land is ruled by the military force of the Military and Militia, there is no separation of military power and politics. There are clear rankings within the Government where all businesses and jobs connect to the military as backing in some way. The branches of the military are separated into three total branches, each with a "Peak" leading it referencing a mountain peak. All important government decisions are done through vote and discussion, with the Skyblade's vote counting as two votes, and each Peak then having one each.   The Skyblade is voted in by the Peaks and their Captains every six months. Peak's are trusted to discuss with their Captains, and through them, their Commanders, Warriors and other important Militia Rank on important votes so that they can properly represent their Company. This has been upheld due to the steep consequences of lying to ones people leading to removal of limbs or other capital punishments.  


The ranks of the Military are set aside as the highest within society, but there are ranks lower than them for the normal citizens. These are the ranks held by standard citizens that are those not wishing to specialize in their own magical growth and combat. They still work for the military despite this but are known as militia instead of proper military soldiers. As such Militia ranks hold no requirements for raw magic and combat ability but do still require high skill sets and experience.   Members of the proper Military are at minimum skilled enough to handle an entire squadron of normal soldiers from other countries single-handed, and are capable of aura and often magic of some sort. On the other hand Militia members are considered elite soldiers by the standards of other countries but are far weaker than true warriors of Dra'Kun. The status of being 'Military' effectively adds three 'ranks' to an individual's status. (ie. An Akemu Warrior is a higher rank than a guard, constable or soldier. But a Corporal is considered of equal rank. Similarly, a Sergeant or Marshal are considered higher rank than a Warrior.)   Finally, members gain the protection of the country. Due to being part of a proper military organized by another country, members are granted a degree of protection from other countries' legal issues. Rogues can be offered to have their records wiped in return for a contract to join the country's military. Depending on the circumstance the Akemu may even negotiate with other countries, such as Conlis or Ceridia to protect its members from larger organizations.  

Military Ranks

  • Skyblade
  • Peaks
  • Captain
  • Commander
  • Warrior

Militia Ranks

  • Marshal
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Soldier
  • Constable
  • Guard


After Dra'Kun was founded in outright rebellion, standing against the Ceridian Empire under Satori's hand the old gods were once more brought back into the fold of worship within the nation. Though many of the old Giant-kin gods have been lost to time, the new populace of Dra'Kun is a mixing pot of numerous races and spiritual beleifs. As such Dra'Kun's most worshipped deities are a hybrid of numerous cultures.
  1. Izanami: Worshipped as the goddess of death and rebirth, due to the horrific events that have punished the Giant-kin for the past several thousand years many turned to her as a way of coping with such an extensive loss of life, and brutal living environment. She is intricately tied to the belief of the nation as a whole.
  2. Woden: God of the hunt and primal nature, Woden primary deity within ancient Giant-kin culture as well as modern due to how intricate his aspect is in order to survive the frigid north. Woden represents working alongside, not taming nature and as such many of the staple Dra'Kun animals such as the Tanngrisnir are respected partners, not pets or cattle.
  3. Mimir: One of the original old gods of Dra'Kun but a lesser one, after the fall of the Tel'Galrul the spread of knowledge's importance has become a staple of Dra'Kun culture. As literature is considered a treasure, and all knowledge is respected within Dra'Kun culture Mimir has become one of the three great gods of the freshly re-risen nation.
  4. Ruutai: Mother of Dragons and guardian deity of the Ryuutei Clan, whom are one of the founding groups of the nation. Said to be one of the first children of the Celestial, she is a lesser god that sheltered life to the west while her brother, Fashir, sheltered the east.
  5. Tor: Originally one of the major patron gods of Strength, Storms and the Sea, Tor was the half-giant Godling that rose to power as a primary god of the Tel'Galrul. Now his worship is being slowly reinstated as Dra'Kun regains its cultural roots, though due to the "Days of Suffering" having extended the ice across much of the sea, his worship is smaller than before.

Laws & Punishments

The laws of Dra'Kun vary based on the situation, and when broken fall into four separate tiers of offenses. These rank the punishment options. Some laws require investigations, while others can be dealt as punishments by a superior officer on arrival on the scene. This is a case-by-case basis, depending on the laws broken. Each class offense is comparable to two of a lower class (ie. A class 3 offense is equal to four class 1 offenses.).   While on duty, Military members (not Militia) are required to wear their uniform items of their rank at all times. This includes missions as well as casual duty. Even while off-duty, they are required to wear their amulets acquired at the Warrior rank. Breaking this is considered a class one offense. Offenses & Punishments


  • Refusing a direct order from a superior (Class 1).
  • Stealing (Class 1-2).
  • Misuse or abuse of excessive self-defense (Class 1-3).
  • Assault (Class 1-2).
  • Abuse of status, rank, or blood (Class 1-3).
  • Controlling Souls (Class 2-4).
  • Slavery (Class 2-4). Licensed foreigners are exempt.
  • Murder or maiming during a spar (Class 2-4).
  • Illegal immigration or Record alteration (Class 1-3).
  • Unlicensed spreading of Dra'Kun technology (Class 1-3).
  • Interference in political conflict or unapproved international action (Class 1-4).
  • Planned, attempted, or successful murder, or destruction of property (Class 2-4).
  • Abusing the use of Duels (Class 3-4).


Depending on one's class of offense, a person has several possible options for punishment decided on by their superior. The higher class punishments are rare but tend to be brutal and painful to instill fear. Note that these are specifically punishments for actions that initiate and cause true class offenses. Superiors may choose to punish minor offenses that don't qualify or barely qualify in their own ways such as cleaning duty, intense physical training, or other similar light punishments.   Lashing: When an individual has broken a basic law causing a class one offense, the punishment is generally considered equal to five lashes. (ie. One could give ten lashes for a Class 2 Punishment.) Resisting the lashing in any way or healing the damage afterward is a class one additional offense.   Demotion: Generally the go-to punishment for class two punishments assuming that it isn't worth detention, a demotion means the loss of one rank. This is equal to a single class two offense.   Detention: When an individual has committed a class two offense involving violence of any sort, they are instantly detained and placed in a cell under strict guard. This will last for up to a month but can be extended into imprisonment, or revoked depending on the situation.   Exile: Certain crimes allow for the punishment of exile, this is comparable to a class four offense. It is only used when execution is considered the wrong fit for whatever offense has been performed. An exile means the permanent removal of citizenship, as well as the removal of any items that belong to the nation.   Imprisonment: Saved for class three or higher offenses, imprisonment is six months per class three offense. This will never be permanent, if the punishment exceeds class four, then it will simply be handled as an execution instead without handling the lost resources of imprisonment.   Maiming: In some cases, a superior may choose to permanently maim, or seriously injure a subordinate as punishment. This will maim the punished in a way up to the superior, and is considered comparable to a class three offense. Should this maiming reduce their performance they may also suffer additional demotions. Healing is forbidden for at least a year.   Execution: When an individual has created such an extensive offensive list that goes beyond a class four offense, they are not given additional warnings. The individual is instead placed on execution, be it on-sight or as a public execution is dependent on the crime, individual, and situation as a whole.
Spars & Duels


Whenever there is a conflict within the ranks, a spar is encouraged. During a spar, maiming and death are not authorized. However, it is agreed at the start of the spar that when the battle is over the loser will admit they are wrong and the issue is to be set aside and not brought up again. Should the issue arise again despite this, the aggressor will suffer a class two punishment.   Spars are more often used as a way to communicate, and better one another's mind and body. Commonly this involves a battle without the usage of aura, utilizing wooden or stone weaponry. These bouts are typically melee only without the use of any magic allowed, a test of one's physical skill.   Another sparring method is use of magic only for offense and defense. Typically this type of sparring is done in the arena, or another open area. Magic can be incredibly destructive, therefore choice of location is paramount in ensuring a good match.   Finally what is colloqually refered to as a "Combat Spar" with magic, stealth, and physical combined. This type of sparring becomes more popular the stronger the participants are. While they may engage in the most specialized types listed earlier, a combat spar is often considered a true measure of an individual's strength. For each of the three general types of sparring, the rules are as follows.  
  1. The type of spar is agreed upon, and the location chosen.
  2. Terms of winning the spar are determined. This may be to first blood, first strike to land upon the body, or until one party yields.
  3. Generally, if one or both parties are rendered unconscious, the bout is called in favor of whoever remained combat capable the longest.
  4. Both parties place their hand over their hearts, offering their name and position within Dra'Kun. This is a formality that should be observed.
  5. No techniques that can cause permanent injury unless they are agreed upon beforehand.
  6. Have a member of the Lorehold on hand to deal with the injuries that will be sustained. While this is generally waived, for bouts that allow for powerful techniques, it is a requirement.
  7. The goal of a spar is ultimately learning or to settle an argument through ties of battle. If it becomes clear that this goal has been lost during the bout, both parties can and will be chastised. See laws and offenses.


During a duel, this is considered a battle of "Honor and Death" and as such these rules change. Such a thing requires at least three signatures of approval from Captain or higher Military members for the duel, and they must act as witnesses.   This is a battle that can be to the death, and maiming is common. The loser is considered wrong on whatever the issue may be, and in some situations, this can even be used to have a winner replace the loser's spot in rank. Though uncommon, this allows lower ranked members of the Military to risk their lives to overpower those that they disagree with as long as they can convince three Captains of why it is required. Note that these reasons cannot be trivial, as this duel can lead to the loss of one or two prized members of the ranks. If this method is found to be abused as a method of killing officers, it can lead to a class four offense.


Dra'Kun is a harsh land that overtakes much of the territory at the Skycap, the nickname for the frozen northern pole of the planet. From this mountainous region stems the great glacures to its west and risng great pine forestry to the east. Expanding from the base of the mountains southward is rolling hills and frozen badlands, with the only foliage being specifically evolved to handle the harsh climate.   The cycle of day and night is especially harsh, as the further north one goes the shorter the days become, with it being common for daylight to exist in Dra'Kun for only six hours at the most. This has caused an abundance of Corrupted creatures to flourish within the frozen north when combined with the mass wild magic zones affiliated with the Skycap. This wild magic when combined with the natural magic of the Leylines has caused numerous freak magical effects and storms to rage across Dra'Kun.   It is speculated that the wild magic storms of the north are tied to the massive rupture found along the Weeping Mountains that ruptured and shattered over a thousand years ago. This destruction of the mountain range ripped a fissure through the world's leylines and into the Aether. Thus leading to a complete loss of all magic and access to the gods within the world for a total of three-hundred and forty-seven days, known as the "Days of Suffering" for the mass death, suffering, and widespread panic that overtook the world.   After this period of time ended and magic began to slowly return to the world, if changed, the leaking of magic into the world when combined with the constant night giving free rein to the Corrupted creatures of the world, has ended with a highly mutated, volatile, magical, and dangerous landscape that even the mighty warriors of the Giant-kin tribes struggle within at points.  

Natural Resources

At its current date, Dra'Kun's primary export is of exotic magical reagents under the hand of Satori's knowledge. Utilizing their powerful warriors in the tribes, they have begun to hunt the infamous monsters of the north in order to slaughter the creatures and bring in their bodies to be used as high income resources with Conlis and Algath.   Along with this they also have a secondary export of Labyrinthian artifacts and relics, but due to the difficulty of such delving it is only done in rare circumstances where the rulers are confident in their success and paths. Alternatively, though under heavy construction at the moment, mining is a final resource that is heavily utilized by Dra'Kun. At the moment many of these mines for precious minerals such as gold, platinum, diamond and silver are unfinished and unreliable.   Despite this, Conlis, Algath and especially Drakonia have all expressed interest in these minerals due to their necessity and rarity. But until they can be properly finished alongside trade routes, roads, and proper docking locations they are only a secondary at best export for the land.   On the other hand common imports are fairly limited due to Satori not wishing to rebuild the nation with a heavy reliance on other countries. Initial seeds were purchased from Conlis, and there are still imports of supplementary foods from Conlis' vast agriculture but due to Tribes already holding access to animal husbandry with the many goats, yaks, mammoth, and similar species of the north they are not reliant on these imports.  

Local Phenomena

White Outs: A terrifying phenomenon known for its ability to completely nullify all forms of magic within its radius. White Outs are the side effect of Dra'Kun's natural environment due to the high potency of magic the Leylines hold to the north and south of the world. Areas of the north can be covered in this environment which nullifies all magic and enchantments. Taking away all sense of sight and smell, while remaining perfectly silent. The temperatures in these pockets of anti-magic reach such intense lower temperatures that even a minute of exposure can freeze a living creature solid.   Wild Magic Storms: To some more terrifying than White-Outs, this weather has manifested after the "Days of Suffering". The rupture of the Aether having manipulated and changed magic as a whole, but with small tears still having formed within the mending planes, wild magic leaks forth. Within these storms magic of all sorts manifests from thin air, normal magic functions in ways it never should, and by mere thought a spell can be made manifest making even a normal commoner as powerful as a master mage; yet lacking any and all control over the magic in question.  


Originally known as the Tal'Gelrul Empire, Dra'Kun was the name of the Empire's capital city during the First Age. After the Great Rupture due to the Empire itself being split into multiple sections, Dra'Kun became the name used for what remained on the continent of Zaria. After the nation began to crumble due to the death of Tal'Gelrul's empress its population continued to shrink and weaken with time into the Second Age.   When the Thousand-year blood war began, Dra'Kun had weakened significantly to the point of lacking the ability to properly resist. Within only a few hundred years the survivors of the once-proud Empire fell into nomadic tribes deep within the frozen wastes of Dra'Kun's lands. With survivors that were unlucky, being thrown into chains to act as War slaves for the Ceridian Empire.   The current Dra'Kun has been developed over the past ten years beginning in 6,120 since Satori came to Conlis along with the single branch of the Ryuutei Clan, the Lion Tribe, at the age of thirteen. Ever since his arrival, he has worked within the forsaken jungles of their lands, expanding his family's influence within Conlis, Ceridia and Koldric. Taking in bandits, criminals, would-be killers, knights that abandoned the frontline from the wars of the Ceridian Empire, and reforming them. Steadily growing their numbers within the jungles and forming a proper village.   After his actions during the civil war along the Altris border were noticed, the Clan was rewarded for their loyalty with land and lesser nobility. With this Satori began to take the next steps to form the land together. Using his new official land as bait to pull in even more bandits that he began to hunt alongside many knights of Conlis, but more than that, searching for his fellow clansmen he knew were scattered throughout Zaria to come to his home, now less a village and far closer to a town.   Over the next many years, the White Tiger would locate each of the seven wandering tribes that made up the Ryuutei Clan. Each family represented by a totem. The tiger, lion, bear, snake, bull, rat, and bird. Once all seven families had come together once more, and the full might of the Ryuutei Clan had been re-amassed along with the many others he had taken in Satori's fame continued to grow. His tendency to favor commoners, and offer training to anyone, no matter their blood or status, attracted the filth, homeless and degenerate of the slums from the surrounding countries. Especially Conlis and Koldric, but not just these locations.   Satori took them in, killed those that proved harmful, and turned those that truly wished to grow into functional members of his home. Over these next last few years a town had become a city, and with just a few more that city expanded even further. Growing into a grand Capital city within Dra'Kun's old ruins by 6,131 AR. The goal Satori had since coming to Conlis, to dig their heels in and once again hold a true home for his clan having become reality.

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Cover image: by ARTdesk


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Oct 26, 2023 13:25 by Corvo Branco

You had me in the middle of Satori Ryuutei's quote. Beautiful text!   The idea of meritocracy being based in the resultant of meaningful elements (the "virtu"?) is pretty, and classic. If I understand well you are opposing it to a caste system, absolute, and that's why you say it has nothing to to do with genetics "genetics means nothing". My impression is that if genetics is part of your objective cosmology then it means a lot in the equation that determine the individual virtue of each person.   It is not the ONLY element in the equation, and you don't look the elements isolated since what matter is the resultant. Still, the right/favourable genetics does help! While genetic diseases will impact negatively the power of who was born with it.   Besides, birth don't gives us just genes. It also gives us a starting point in education (if our society keeps children living with their parents, even if only for some time). Perhaps we don't get any heritage in the sense of patrimony and goods (is easy to imagine a society whit zero transference of prosperity and titles between generations in bloodline: all you have goes back to the community when you die, and is used to raise all the children, not just yours). Much harder to imagine is a society where a individual inherit no moral values, and no reputation, from its parents and extended family.