Xahverse Old History of Humanity Timeline
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Old History of Humanity


Prehistory - 2145 CE

  • 2028 CE

    Foundation of the Global Government
    Disaster / Destruction

    Global cooperation to stop an incoming asteroid attack leads to the formation of the Global Government, a one-world supranational organisation dedicated to preventing further global incidents.

  • 2045 CE

    First global resistance groups
    Political event

    As the Global Government becomes increasingly authoritarian, dissent groups begin to form. Political at first, loss of political freedoms turn them into armed resistance forces.

  • 2051 CE

    Invention of the PJ Fusion drive
    Scientific achievement

    Invention of the plasma jet magneto-inertial fusion drive, or PJ Drive, leads to cheap and easy space travel across the solar system.

  • 2053 CE

    Colonisation of the Solar system
    Population Migration / Travel

    Devlopment of the cheap and ubiquitous PJ Drive, along with significant advances in life support systems, lead to the widespread colonisation of the Solar system. Numerous new colonies are set up by groups that declare their independence from Earth and the Global Government.

  • 2065 CE

    2095 CE

    Pacification War
    Military action

    The Global Government begins the Pacification Wars to force separatist colonies to join. Bloody and long-running, it never achieves its goal and finally ends with the collapse of the GG.

  • 2073 CE

    Discovery of wormholes
    Scientific achievement

    Discovery and manipulation of wormholes by Hirasaki Masuyo.

  • 2077 CE

    First Pioneer mission
    Scientific achievement

    A separatist colony creates and sends off the first Pioneer craft to Proxima Centauri and successfully completes the first (non-human) transition. More wormholes are discovered and sent to other nearby systems.

  • 2082 CE

    First human wormhole transition

    Despite disruption by Global Government attacks, the first human transition of a wormhole is accomplished, sending eight travellers to a station orbiting Proxima Centauri.

  • 2090 CE

    Invention of artificial wormholes
    Scientific achievement

    Zoya Krasnikov creates the first artificial wormholes, building on Hiraski's earlier work. The new technology is named a Krasnikov-Hiraski Event.

  • 2094 CE

    Great Diaspora
    Population Migration / Travel

    Escaping the ongoing Pacification Wars, and taking advantage of the new KHE technology, there is a massive exodus of groups leaving the Sol system.

  • 2095 CE

    Collapse of the Global Government

    Despite attempts to outlaw it, asmore join the Great Diaspora, the Global Government collapses, no longer holding centralised authority. Various groups claim authority over parts of Earth in its wake.

Dark Age of Expansion

~2100 - ?

A long, indeterminate period of time - humanity continued to expand across the stars and the population boomed. At some point in this period, the Amnesiac Virus struck and caused widespread devastation.   The length of time for this era is unknown, and is widely considered to be hundreds of years.

  • -60 XC
    Development of the Sevenfold Path

    Formation of the The Sevenfold Path and its adoption by the population of Xah

Xahian Crusade

1 - present day