Jynx Character in Wyrmland | World Anvil
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Elven Druid of the Moon

Core Belief

Acts of creation can make the world a better place.  




Thalia, Jynx's mother.   Read Full Answer
Thalia is a kind-hearted elf. She raised Jynx with a very calm and loving hand, encouraging and nurturing all of her interests. She is a very soft spoken elf but you can tell within seconds of meeting her that she is the matriarch of her family and she can seamlessly take control of any situation (often leaving the person in charge feeling as if they willingly give up their power.) Thalia spent most of jynxs childhood teaching her about the earth and the harvest in a classroom setting. She would mainly teach her the core fundamentals of druidic culture but could never resist her child when she would ask to learn about the more magical side and she was always delighted to see her powers grow. As Jynx grew and honed her skilled she could see her daughter growing restless and wanting to escape the city. She watched secretly as her daughter learned to transform and sneak beyond the walls of their ‘domestic prison’ she would often change herself into a small moth or Raven and follow Jynx to make sure she stayed safe. Once she was certain Jynx was capable to take care of herself she left her daughter to her secrets (including the poison) although it pained her to watch her daughter ingest this terrible drug, she kept with her mantra 'everyone is free to make their own choices and everything happens the way it should’   She took solace in the thought that Jynx would find her path and when she told her parents that she was to be one of the hero's of the green star Thalia knew that path would lead her to victory for Wyrmland and inner peace for Jynx. So with tears of sorrow, pride and joy she said goodbye to her daughter and a prayer to Bahamut, as she watch Jynx ride off to her destiny she breathed a small sigh, confidant she would see her again in this lifetime.   Thalias physical description: average height with fair features and a fair complexion except for her piercings green eyes and a small beauty mark on her left cheek that seems to only be noticeable when she smiles. She is a more aged elf of 300 and you can see it in the slight laugh lines around her eyes which tend to deepen the happier she is.

Reason for entering the Hero Lottery…

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Year of Birth
7676 102 Years old
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