Theisian, Xerdite's Champion Character in Wralath | World Anvil

Theisian, Xerdite's Champion (tay-see-ann)

Theisian was heralded as a champion by Xerdite. Catorion the Oracle of the Deep, prophesized the tale of Theisian about 4 years before the events actually took place. Terinlez caused destruction and mayhem for 8 years before Theisian dealt with the threat. Theisian had gone to the Oracle Catorion for aid and interpretation after seeing nightmares of this monster and the havoc it has been creating. Catorion was giving the hero a possible meaning to the dreams when the prophecy had taken hold of Catorion and they gave a prophecy that detailed the story of Theisian's great accomplishment that has yet to come.

They were told that they were destined to defeat this monster but it was uncertain where or when this battle would take place. It was also uncertain whether or not Theisian would survive the battle itself. Catorion told them to fear not, for they will be rewarded greatly by Odis and Artis if they should fall in battle because the Great Kraken Terinlez has been a blight on this world for many years.

The great battle raged on for nearly three days before Theisian dealt the final blow of the battle wherein Terinlez was defeated. However, before Terinlez was struck down, it landed an unfortunate hit on Theisian, wounding them greatly. After Terinlez fell, Xerdite came to the aid of Theisian. Theisian told Xerdite that all was well now and that they had made peace with what was about to happen. He passed shortly after that.

In sorrow for what had occured and all the lives lost to Terinlez, Xerdite made an island out of the body of Terinlez. She named the island after Theisian, and built a tomb for him to rest in. Many visit the island and the tomb itself to pray to Xerdite and the spirit of Theisian for strength and guidance in a battle they are waging, whether it be beast or personal.

It is said that when the world needs their spirit again, Theisian will reincarnate to battle another beast of The Deep to keep the waters surrounding Wralath safe.       Create a character inspired by someone else in the World Anvil community. — #WorldEmberInspired


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