The Honey Moon Effect Physical / Metaphysical Law in World: Minerva | World Anvil
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The Honey Moon Effect

The Honey Moon Effect occurs in specific locations during a full moon. The effect lasts from an hour before to an hour after the moon as reached its peak. While there is evidence that the effect occurs in other locations, the only well-known location is The Hollow.
The affect of the Honey Moon Effect is noticeable increase in magical abilities. For example, the outer barrier of the Hollow increases in strength during this time. A "Honey Moon" also causes most therianthropes to shift into a primal form. Because of the increased magical activity and the sudden shifts, it is believed that a Honey Moon is caused by a divine being and is holy in a way.
Due to the Honey Moon Effect, moon rituals in the Hollow are often a little different. The rituals try to appease whichever divine being the ritual-holder believes to be the cause of the Honey Moon or they try to prepare those that participate in the ritual for the sudden shift that occurs during the Honey Moon.
The effect can be recorded using devices that can detect magic levels in an area. The same technology can also find other "hotspots" where the effect occurs.


Named for its appearance, when the Honey Moon Effect occurs, the area where the effect occurs seems to turn a sort of gold and the air becomes thick. The glow of the moon becomes more noticeable as well, as if shining through fog. Outside of the ring where the effect occurs, however, everything seems normal.


The Honey Moon Effect is a known effect that most commonly occurs in The Hollow. The effect is confined to a circular space, which is roughly the same size as the disorientation barrier that protects the Hollow.
Metaphysical, Divine
Locations of Occurrence
The Hollow

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