The Vial High Club
This unique store is owned and operated by Yarisha Shakkir. Yarisha's silvering hair and worn horns, allude to the many years that this female tiefling as survived through, and if you stay in her shop long enough, she is sure to tell you about one of her many escapades. Trained in the druidic arts and well educated by a lifetime of curiosity, the potions and elixirs that Yarisha creates are some of the most unique in all of The West Lands. Always looking for new ingredients to experiment with, Yarisha favors those who bring her plant or animal goods that she has not seen before.
Yarisha's wife, Vasia Willo-Shakkir, can often be seen tending the gardens of The Vial High Club. The middle-aged halfling, though gifted with plants and bee's, shows little interest in interacting with customers. Wary of outsiders, Vasia can be quite short with those who try to speak with her. If you earn the appreciation and respect of Yarisha, Vasia will likely warm to your company in time.
Appearance of Establishment
Yarisha Shakkir spent much of her youth in Seytree, only moving to Thorringuard when the couple desired to be closer to their son, Karion Willo-Shakkir. An homage to the home of her youth, The Vial High Club is built around the base of a large tree. Surrounded by multiple gardens and foliage galore, this establishment is a hidden garden oasis in an otherwise rugged western town.Standard Potions
Potion | Effects | Cost |
Potion of Healing Common | Gain 2d4+2 HP |
45 gp |
Potion of Greater Healing Uncommon | Gain 4d4+4 HP |
150 gp |
Potion of Superior Healing
Rare |
Gain 8d4+8 HP |
1550 gp |
Potion of Hill Giant Strength Uncommon | When you consume this potion, your Strength Score increases to 21 for 1 Hour. This potion looks and smells like a sulfur swamp.
The green and brown potion seems to be comprised of both liquids and solids. |
155 gp |
Potion of Rock Giant Strength
Rare |
When you consume this potion, your Strength Score increases to 23 for 1 Hour.
The potion is grey in color and it's consistence is similar to that of mud. |
1775 gp |
Potion of Climbing Uncommon | When you drink this potion, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb.
The potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. |
145 gp |
Potion of Water Breathing Uncommon | You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion.
Its cloudy blue-green fluid smells of the ocean and has a coelacanth-like bubble floating in it. |
160 gp |
Specialty Potions
Item | Effects | Cost |
Potion of Learned Tongue
Uncommon |
Consumption of this potion grants you the ability to understand one language of your choice for 1 hour. This ability is granted to both audible and written translations. This potion is opalescent in color with letters of various languages floating down from the cork and dissolving into liquid below. | 100 gp |
Potion of Greater Learned Tongue
Rare |
Consumption of this potion grants you the ability to understand every common language for 12 hours. This ability is granted to both audible and written translations. This potion is opalescent in color with letters of various languages floating down from the cork and dissolving into liquid below. | 350 gp |
Potion of Retreat
Uncommon |
Consuming this potion allows you to move at incredible speed. For the next 10 minutes, you are able to take the dash action as a bonus action. This liquid swirls within this bottle in a flurry of blues, whites, and golds. | 125 gp |
Elixir of Restore Magic
Rare |
When you drink this potion, roll 1d4+1. You recover a number of expended spell slots with a combined level equal to or less than the result. This potion has no effect if you do not have spell slots. The liquid within this potion pulses with a variety of blues and golds. | 400 gp |
Elixir of Greater Restore Magic
Very Rare |
When you drink this potion, roll 2d4+2. You recover a number of expended spell slots with a combined level equal to or less than the result. This potion has no effect if you do not have spell slots. The liquid within this potion pulses with a variety of blues and golds. | 1550 gp |
Drought of Truth
Common |
Anyone who consumes this liquid will be under its effects for the next 10 minutes. While effected, when the creature tells a conscious lie, they must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, adding +2 if they are proficient in Deception. If they fail, they take 1d4 poison damage and regurgitate the drink. To a passerby, this potion bottle looks to be filled with water. Adding one drop of a beer or liquor of your choice will alter the color and taste of the liquid to match that of what was added. | 75 gp |
Potion of Dark Sight
Uncommon |
Consumption of this liquid grants the consumer the ability to see in the dark for a distance of 60 feet. This effect lasts for 8 hours. This black liquid tastes and smells like licorice, and has a trio of floating balls of light that float to the top of the bottle once opened. | 100 gp |
Potion of True Craft
Very Rare |
When you drink this potion you gain proficiency in a tool or trade of your choice. The effects of this potion will last for 3 days. At the end of the 3rd day, roll a D100. If you roll a 100, the tool proficiency bonus is permanent. The liquid in this bottle looks like the blood, sweat and tears of a master craftsman. | 1750 gp |
Rare Items
Item | Effects | Cost |
Mes Merize
Eau De Toilette
Wonderous Item, uncommon |
This small bottle contains 1d4+1 uses of this rare perfume. You can use an action to apply this perfume to yourself or another person, and its effects last for 1 hour. For the duration, you have advantage on all Charisma checks directed at a humanoid with a challenge rating of 1 or lower. There is not save for this effect and those subjected to it are not aware that they are being influenced by magic. | 350 gp |
Pot of Awakening
Wonderous Item, Common (Xanathar's) |
If you plant an ordinary shrub in this 10-lb Clay pot and let it grow for 30 days, the shrub magically transforms into an awakened shrub (see the Monsters Manual for Statistics) at the end of that time. When the shrub awakens, its roots break the pot, destroying it. The awakened shrub is friendly towards you. Absent commands, it does nothing. | 500 gp |
Large Pot of Awakening
Wonderous Item, Uncommon |
If you plant an ordinary sapling in this 30-lb Clay pot and let it grow for 30 days, the shrub magically transforms into an awakened tree(see the Monsters Manual for Statistics) at the end of that time. When the sapling is large enough, it will break the pot, destroying it, and will need to be transplanted into the ground. This usually happens around day 20. If you are near the Awakened tree when is awakens, if will be friendly towards you. Absent commands, it does nothing. | 1500 gp |
Vasia's Miracle Salve
Wonderous Item, Uncommon |
This small jar contains 1d4+1 doses of a thick green mixture that smells like aloe and eucalyptus. This jar weighs 1/2 lb. As an action, one dose of the salve can be applied to you or a creature of your choice within reach. That creature regains 2d6+2 hit points. In addition to hp points, this salve also cures creatures who are poisoned or diseased. | 550 gp |
High Glass Tea Pot
Wonderous Item, Uncommon |
This glass tea pot can only be found in The Vial High Club shop. Fill this tea pot with water and place over heat. This item will heat to a boil in 30 seconds. This pot can be used as a normal tea pot, but also has the ability to determine the nature of an organic resource. Please see table below for further explanation. | 1250 gp |
High Glass Tea Pot
When an item is dropped into this boiling tea pot, the water inside will change color depending on any alchemical properties the item may hold, often fluctuating between 2-3 colors.Color of Liquid | Alchemical Properties |
Red | Healing |
Blue | Magical |
Green | Poison |
Orange | Common |
Purple | Uncommon |
Silver | Rare |
Gold | Very Rare |
White | No Alchemical Effects |