Korda Goldmaster Character in World of Wizard's Peak | World Anvil

Korda Goldmaster

Prisoner Thirteen

Korda Goldmaster (a.k.a. Prisoner Thirteen)

Korda Goldmaster is the eldest daughter of Clan Goldmaster and acknowledged as the head of the clan. She has been happily held prisoner in the far north for many years where she is known only as "Prisoner Thirteen". She controls a vast criminal empire of fences, Gray Angel pirates, and technology smugglers through the use of her magical tattoos.

She encountered the half-elf sorceress Thirteen early in the sorceress' career and Korda took a liking to her. She gave the younger Thirteen a tattoo to link them and they have stayed in contact ever since. The elder Thirteen sends the younger one leads and jobs from time to time.

The sorceress recently encountered the prisoner as "Korda Goldmaster" at the Annual Aurumopolis Golden Gala. It appears that "Korda" can leave the prison whenever she wants for whatever reason she wants.

In prison, Prisoner Thirteen wears the same garments as all the other inmates. Her hair is cut short and she is covered with black ink tattoos. Everyone knows not to get in her way.

Outside of prison, Korda Goldmaster presents as a wealthy dwarven woman dressed in expensive clothing. She sports elaborate headgear to hide her shorn hair.

Strong, tattooed female dwarf. Imprisoned crime lord.

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Cover image: Worldember 2023 Generic Header by Chris L


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