First Warden Rank/Title in World of Wizard's Peak | World Anvil

First Warden

When the gods withdrew from the world the people of the world began to question the so-called "Divine Right of Kings". The King of Lozar at the time abdicated his throne and announced that the "Divine Right" no longer existed. He created the new system of Sovrans and served as the First Warden of Kirinal for two terms. He lived a long life as a former King and former First Warden.

The orcs suffered for millenia with the whispers of Azgorth in our ears. He drove our people into battle, war, and conquest. Now that we've escaped his influence, we distrust anyone who rules in the "Name of the Gods." Like the Lozarians, we choose our own rulers now. "God Botherers" get a quiet visit in the night from their emancipated bretheren.

Equivalent in rank and prestige to Dukes, First Wardens are appointed to rule a Sovran of Lozar based only on merit, without regard to race or noble titles. Each Sovran Territory of Lozar has it's own method of choosing it's Warden from secret ballot, to seniority, to skill in archery.

Once chosen, the First Warden rules for five years after which they must earn the title again. By Sovran Law, no one can serve as First Warden of a given Sovran for more than two terms. However, there have been cases where the First Warden of one Sovran has served as Warden of another realm.

Under Sovranty law, First Wardens are civic leaders, not military commanders. Upon being named to the office, they give up their rank in those organizations. Members of Knightly Orders do not give up their membership, but retain the title "Knight" until they are no longer a First Warden.

Head of State

The First Warden of the Royal Duchy of Kirinal is considered the first of equals among the other Wardens. They are considered the Head of State of the Sovranty and successor to the Last King of Lozar. The Kirinal Concordance Zone is contained entirely within it's borders. The First Warden of Kirinal controls all traffic and has the right to tax any goods pasing through his territory. The election of the First Warden of Kirinal is a huge event drawing attention from office seekers throughout the Sovranty.

Civic, Political
Form of Address
First Warden
Equates to
Duke, Governor
Current Holders
Related Organizations

Cover image: Summer Camp 2023 Generic Header by Chris L


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