Broken Extraplanar Tech Material in World of Wizard's Peak | World Anvil

Broken Extraplanar Tech

The richest people in the world build monuments from this stuff. Where do you get it and what special properties does it have?

Salvagers working the Manifest in the Kirinal Pit bid the highest when Prime is another mortal world with a higher level of technology than Erathia. If the Manifest contains living mortals the Diplomats go to work. If it's a ruin, the Salvagers anticipate making an enormous profit.

Wealthy collectors pay well for extraplanar materials, daily artifacts, and works of art. Top Bilog though, goes to broken tech. Wooden boxes with glass fronts, mysterious cylinders, and vehicles built from metal and rubber grace the homes of the affluent. What mortals consider precious, becomes important to intelligent monsters and dragons have also taken an interest.

There are dragons in the world who seek out recordings of xeno-music. Others will kill to complete their collections of small warrior dolls created from synthetic materials.

Functioning tech and broken weapons are contraband, claimed by the Zone Authority and distributed to labs in the Kirinal Concordance Zone or sent to Magus Valley for research. There is, of course, a thriving black market for these kinds of items.

The Gray Angels, in particular, seek out any shipments of xenotech for plunder.


Cover image: by Julius Drost


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