The Saringa People Ethnicity in World of Weirth | World Anvil
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The Saringa People

(Half-Elven) The Saringa are a sub-species of Human magically combined with Alfen blood in ancient times (during or just after the Cataclysm, before the Alfen left Weirth). 90 Percent of the Saringa population has a Knack or magical ability. They are unable to digest red meat. They suffer reduced effects from ingesting raw Mother’s Milk. 30% resistance to Sleep and Charm spells plus normal save vs spells. Saringa can see in the infrared spectrum up to 60’ distance (passive dark vision, unlike the active dark vision of Belowdark monsters).   Physical description: Very pale skin; hair light blonde to white; Eyes pale blue, grey, violet; tall and lean with narrow facial features.   Saringa may only successfully interbreed among themselves. While interbreeding with baseline Humans is possible, the offspring lack any Saringa species traits, their appearance takes after their Human parent, and they never have a Knack or magical ability.   While Saringa are not common in the southern parts of the world, they are well-known. Bards tell tales of Saringa heroes and villains and their mighty deeds in the dark years after the Cataclysm. Most people believe the Saringa to be inherently magical, if not all Sorcerers. It is often true that Saringa craftsmanship is of higher quality than average, due to a proliferation of Knacks.   Ten percent of Saringa are born Anti-Pnakotic - utterly separated from the Esitouche. These folk are naturally Magic-Resistant, 1-6 chance that any magical effect simply ignores them, including any Healing magic spell or magic potion. They have no Knack or magical/ritual magic ability. They have black & white vision. They have no sense of taste or smell (everything is oatmeal to them!). They are invisible to the effects of Scrying or ESP magic. They have a -3 to initial Sanity score, are prone to Paranoia induced by any Sanity loss. Anti-Pnakotic Saringa are not treated as outcastes, rather, they receive preferential treatment and special schooling, often as Ambassadors, secret agents, assassins or other covert assignments. The Elleneffera actively seek these anti-Pnakotics as children, offering “scholarships” (read, pay money to the parents) to attend schooling at the White Tower.   (The Emperor desires their services as well, and will kidnap them or substitute a Changeling for an infant)   The Saringa themselves do not know they are descended from the original inhabitants of Weirth, rather they believe their differences and enhancements are due to the influence of their gods and the magic they control. It is believed that the Saringa have secret libraries and collections of spells that are lost to the rest of the Weirth.   (Saringa-Human hybrid: -2 initial Sanity, prone to Sanity loss inducing Paranoia; -2 to initial CON (or roll 4d4), hybrids are prone to sickliness)   See the Names doc, use Viking names.

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