Minotaur Species in World of Wagakeya | World Anvil
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Minotaurs are the native people of Wagakeya. They resemble anthropomorphic members of the real-world Family Bovidae, rather than the half-man/half-bull creature from Greek mythology. Once dominating the continent in five separate, powerful nations, their people have declined and their continent has been almost completely colonized by outside invaders.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Minotaurs have five distinct ethnicities related to their geographical heritage: the Aurochs, the Bongos, the Gnus, the Gemsbok, and the Wisents. The appearance of a minotaur is highly dependent on his or her ethnicity.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Minotaurs are obligate herbivores, and do not consume any meat. They need to regurgitate and rechew their food in order to fully extract the necessary nutrients they need to survive. This behavior, known as rumination, is an important part of Minoan daily life. Minoan settlements will often feature cafe- or bonfire-like settings where Minoans can go to relax and chew their cud peacefully while reflecting and meditating on their day.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Native to Wagakeya.

Average Intelligence

Tend to be a little bright.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Minotaurs tend to name themselves after heroes of the past. The last names of Aurochs and Bongos tend to start with the prefix {es}, whereas the last names of the other minotaur ethnicities tend to start with the prefix {de}. This is believed to date back to some distinction between minotaurs living on the ancient continent of Minos and minotaurs living on the ancient continent of Euros.   Masculine First Names: Beliminorgath, Cinmac, Dastrun, Edder, Galdar, Ganthirogani, Hecariverani, Kyris, Tosher, Zurgas   Feminine First Names: Ayasha, Calina, Fliara, Helati, Keeli, Kyri, Mogara, Sekra, Tariki, Telia   Common Last Names: Athak, Bregan, Entragath, Kaziganthi, Lagrangli, Mascun, Orilg, Sumarr, Teskos, Zhakan

Beauty Ideals

Minotaurs are attracted to large horns and nostrils in males and gracile forms, udders that tend towards spherical, and well-trimmed hooves in females.

Average Technological Level

At their height, minotaur civilizations reached a technological level similar to those of real-world Central and South American Amerindian cultures such as those of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca peoples. However, after the fall of these civilizations, most knowledge of Minoan technology has been lost among the minotaur people.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The native language of minotaurs is Minoan. However, most modern minotaurs can speak Common.

Common Dress Code

Minotaurs tend to dress in simple, practical clothing. Historically, some groups of minotaurs, especially the Bongo aristocracy, are known for having dressed in extravagant robes and worn large, ornate, and very impractical headwear.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Minoan cultures in general are very reminiscent of those of real-world South America and Africa, although the Aurochs and Wisents buck that trend. Each Minoan ethnicity has its own distinct cultural style.


The term minotaur comes from the race's original association with Minos; however, subsequent archaeological research has revealed them to actually have originated from Euros.   Minotaurs used to completely dominate Wagakeya, with each ethnicity controlling a powerful kingdom. However, around 556 BD, these kingdoms dropped one by one until the minotaurs fell into a dark age. The reasons for the fall of Minoan civilization is unknown, but it left the people vulnerable to colonization by outside forces that began arriving to the continent in 290 AD.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While modern relations with other races are generally positive, minotaurs are a racial minority in Wagakeya that are sometimes vulnerable to discrimination by other races and historically many wars were fought between minotaurs and the colonists.
Minotaur names, age, size, and weight come from Unearthed Arcana: Waterborne Adventures by Wizards of the Coast.
125 years (150 max)
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Tend to be stronger than other races.
Related Ethnicities

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