Faith & Religion Tradition / Ritual in World of the Five Gods | World Anvil

Faith & Religion

The Quintarian faith is pervasive in your part of the world, and is based on a worship of the Five Gods -- Father of Winter, Mother of Summer, Son of Autumn, Daughter of Spring, and the Bastard of the Unseason. There are some variations. The Cedonians in particular hold that the fifth god is the Foundling rather than the Bastard, and have a correspondingly different creation mythology. The Dratharcan minor heresy holds that the Bastard is a child of the Father rather than the Mother.   A far greater heresy is the Quadrene faith of the peoples in the far north, which holds that the Bastard is not a God, but rather a demon begotten on the Mother of Summer by rape of a mighty demon. Quadrenes thus worship only four gods, the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Daughter, and they believe the Bastard to be a demon like his father instead of a god like his mother.   Although most people in the Weald agree on the theological basics of the Quintarian faith, there is no single unified religious organization. Temples to each god are organized along political or cultural boundaries, although some have forged ties to their sister temples in nearby lands. For example, a local temple of the Daughter in one village might be part of a network of temples that that serve a province, but not have anything organizationally to do with either the temple for the Father or a temple for the Daughter in a different nation. In small villages where there isn’t enough people to support separate temples for each god, whatever priest or shaman serves will do their best to teach about all the gods, even though they may be dedicated only to one of them.


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