Raposa "Fox" Aegis Character in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Raposa "Fox" Aegis


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fox was born in Hillderan and grew up one of a kind. There wasn't any other Giff other than some of the older decendants of the surviers of the Aegis Convoy Shielding Vessel IV crash. She was told she is probally going to be the last Giff on Stendaaris. So she made the best of her life. She set off on some early exibitions with her family into the Pavian Mountains. To this day her family is one of the few experts of how to fully use Pavian Black Powder. This is partially because The Fox's Armaments was established because of recovering all the armaments and blasting power from Fox's Artillery Battery. This was the ship module that was blown off their crashed vessel before Fox was born.


Fox runs The Fox's Armaments ranged weapon and general store with her Gnome spouse Sly. They are a very strange couple but together they can make the best firearms and other alien technology this side of the Impassable Mountains.   Fox also sells various hunting excursions that tend to require bigger and stronger weapons to be successful in bagging their game. These excursion have lead to various part of the Continent of Renstrom. Her family told stories of a rescue excursion they did deep in the Valley of Giants. In order to save the prisoners they decided to place explosives in beehives. When the dim witted giants ate the beehives they went splat. Those that where saved happened to be survivers seeking refuge from the Royals of Ren. Even though Fox sells hunting trips there has to be a reason for those trips. She will not sell a trip that is just for the sport. There has to be some reason for the hunt to occur. Such as a rescue or quelling a growing elk population to prevent illness.   Fox will also buy information from travelers. If anyone was to provide any information on the Aegis Convoy Shielding Vessel IV or The Great Company she would give a great discount or 50 gp per new information. She keeps a tally and information log for any bits of information she receives.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fox loves to adventure and learn new things. Her biggest research project has her traveling deeper into the Pavian Mountains in search of Cobalt. She is looking for a special Cobalt that is found with Pavian Black Powder. She belives if the Gnomes in Hillderan could grind these down into Cobalt Residuum and workable Pavian Black Powder she could come up with an arcane infused blasting powder. This would expand firearm technology to the next level. However, she is only one Giff now days. If she had access to the technology that she only heard about in stories it would be a cake walk to infused these. So while she searches for materials to craft her next science experiement she is always on the look out for any clues of the Aegis Convoy Shielding Vessel IV and Yenu's Shield Generator that housed the research labatory.
Current Status
Living a happy prosperous life.
Current Location
Date of Birth
13th of Vernal, 2506
Year of Birth
2506 136 Years old
Current Residence
The Fox's Armaments
very little
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough Brown/Grey
7' 8"
305 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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