Hidden Eye Gems Material in World of Latiss | World Anvil
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Hidden Eye Gems


Material Characteristics

Hidden eye gems are transparent blue crystals that grow in clusters of pointed, multi-sided columns. Known for seeming to amplify light that hits them, and for having a cloudy "core" that only appears when light is shined directly on the top of the crystal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

In addition to being excellent at light refraction, these crystals are quite durable and have been known to be rather sharp in their natural form. Like most gems, they are excellent at holding magic, being particularly excellent mediums for enchantment.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Hidden eye gems are taken to the Mage Order of Kiniswell from mines in the mountains of The Divide. There, the crystals are cut and imbued with an enchantment that will cause them to emit either a soft or bright light when certain sounds are made in their vicinity. Gems that are not used for creating Crystal Lamps are left with the Unveri Dwarf Tribe to be embedded into weapons or used in their traditional stone murals.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Because of their seeming ability to enhance light shone through them and their easily enchanted nature, the Kingdom of Cynia holds these gems as near sacred, making the lamps made from these gems ubiquitous throughout their Astralan churches. A significant part of the kingdoms expansion is the act of having one of the church's Lights carry a large, unenchanted hidden eye gem throughout the newly conquered lands, spreading the light of Solix Astera to the dark places. Only the royal family and members of the Stellaris-Constellation are permitted to wear jewellery crafted from these crystals.   As with all crystals grown in the Gemstone Caverns, hidden eye gems are considered by the dwarves of the Unveri tribe to be cultural property of the dwarves first and foremost. As crucial parts of their art and craftswork, the sale of these gems to the humans is heavily restricted. While humans are technically forbidden from mining anywhere within Unverich Mountain, some inscrutable groups will still enter the mines in secret to take their gems since that is the closest mountain to Kiniswell.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Shards of crystal that are taken off during cutting are collected and either ground into dust to be used as magical and alchemical components or are further cut down for use in jewellery.
Celestine by Robert M. Lavinsky
Ranging from ice blue to cerulean
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Cover image: by Sally Ford


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