Assassin Profession in World of Latiss | World Anvil
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The killer-for-hire. A favourite among criminals and nobility alike for getting rid of one's enemies. Always a frowned-upon profession, those who take up the assassin mantle must learn to hide in plain sight and to trust no one.   One can know an assassin looking for work by the two rings they wear on the ring finger of their right hand; one is in the shape of a dragon that coils around the finger, the other is inset with a small gem. Both rings are given by the Assassins' Guild after the criminal passes their rigorous testing process.


Payment & Reimbursement

Every assassin sets their own price, and it often fluctuates depending on the nature and difficulty of the job. Assassins more well-known in the underground also tend to charge higher rates to go along with their higher level of professionalism.


Provided Services

While the primary job of an assassin would be to kill a target to the client's specifications, they can fulfil other roles as well. They can act as spies, detectives, thieves-for-hire, and even covert body guards. The limits of what an assassin can do are determined by what the assassin in question is willing to do and how much the client is willing to pay to have it done.

Dangers & Hazards

As with all illicit professions, assassins are always at risk of discovery by the town guard or other local authorities. Being caught can result in any range of punishments from being held in prison for a few years to public execution, depending on the severity of the crime and the place in which the individual was caught.   Another risk is betrayal by the clients or discovery by the target (or the target's retinue). A client that gets cold feet, or even who was setting the assassin up from the beginning, can potentially be even more dangerous than the town guard as the client could hire other assassins to have the original one killed. Naturally, most folk don't take too kindly to people trying to kill them, either.


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