Principality of Ulek Organization in World of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Principality of Ulek

The Principality of Ulek is the southernmost of the three independent Ulek States. It is likely the largest mixed dwarven and human realm in the Flanaess, and one of few that is both possessed and administered by the dwur themselves. Traditionally dominated by nonhumans since ancient times, the Ulek states are notoriously provincial, but the prince and his court conducts foreign policy and engages in trade and commerce with his neighbors as would any human lord. The principality sits in the western Flanaess along the coast of the Azure Sea, bordered by Keoland to the west and the Pomarj peninsula to the east, between the Sheldomar and Jewel Rivers, respectively. Its northern border with the County of Ulek has traditionally been observed as the Old River, from its source at the southern tip of the Lortmil Mountains to where the river flows into the Sheldomar. Some logging has been conducted in the northeastern corner of the realm, where the Suss verges across the Jewel, but the most dominant feature of the principality is the broad set of lofty hills that dominate the central fastness of the realm, separating it into two distinct regions all the way south to the sea.


Dwarves have lived in these hills since well before the Great Migrations a millennium ago. Treated as an extension of the legendary dwarven kingdoms of the Lortmils at their height, there has been a dwur prince in these foothills long before there ever was a human king in Niole Dra. These dwarven lords protected the wealth and resources of the southern Ulek hills for ages, establishing their lonely halls in the earth and interacting little with the native Flan who inhabited the flatlands. This remained true until the Suel and Oeridians came together in the central valleys to found Keoland. These newcomers dealt well with the nonhumans at the fringes of their kingdom, reaching out to them in friendship and alliance. When the other Ulek states were incorporated as provinces of the expanding nation, the dwarven prince followed suit and founded a nation, accepting a seat in council in Niole Dra and settlers from Keoland to administer on behalf of the realm.   The principality and its lords dealt with its Keoish neighbor well, if somewhat indifferently, until the coronation of Prince Olinstaad Corond in 281 CY. This dynamic young lord of the dwur moved his capital from the ancient city of Havenhill to his birthplace, the city of Gryrax. When Tavish I of Gradsul took the throne of Keoland in 286 CY, the dwarven prince found the new king to be a like-minded individual. Within a handful of years, an alliance between the two sovereigns produced an invasion and conquering of the Pomarj, which was granted to Corond as a sub-fief to administer for the throne. From Olinstaad, Tavish gained the use of Ulek’s heavy elite infantry, which he employed in the southern campaign to annex the region between the Hool Marshes and Jeklea Bay; an area that eventually became the Hold of the Sea Princes.   It was no secret that Prince Corond, alone among the Ulek lords, was an enthusiastic supporter of the Keoish throne and its imperial ambitions. When Corond refused to disavow the Wealsun Proclamation of Tavish II, his relationship with the other Ulek states soured. This state continued until the incompetence of Tavish’s successors forced him to acknowledge the collapse of the empire and withdraw his support.   The prince has ruled for more than three centuries and is an aging but able sovereign. He has seen the rise and fall of Keoland’s brief empire and has survived the bloody Hateful Wars with the orcs of the Pomarj in the last century. The Orcish Empire of the Pomarj now holds a large portion of the open land to the east between the hills and the Jewel River. This ground is in active contention by the principality and is by no means conceded to the invaders, but Prince Corond has been desperate for an edge to help him defeat the orcs and goblins of the Pomarj. In 586 CY, an alliance with the Knights of Luna produced a counteroffensive that recovered some of this land.   It is rumored that Corond recently reached out to the Lordship of the Isles for assistance in the form of trade, which great consternation in Gradsul and Irongate. Ships flying the colors of the Lordship of the Isles visited Gryrax during most of 591 CY; such trade is expected to greatly increase this year.

Demography and Population

The dwarf-ruled Principality has always been a friendly mix of dwarves and gnomes (who mined the rich hills) and humans (who did most of the farming, manned the naval squadrons based in Gryrax, and comprised the cavalry of the land). The humans are primarily a Suel-Oeridian mix, like their brethren in Keoland. All citizens owe fealty to the prince, the hereditary lord of the realm who maintains a palace in the hills north of Gryrax. Dwarves and other demi-humans are more numerous than are humans except in the city of Gryrax, where the larger folk are about twice as common. This is mainly because they are better sailors and are in charge of the dwarven prince's naval squadrons based at the capital. The remainder of the human population is scattered throughout the principality.


At one time, the territory of the Prince reached to the tip of the Pomarj, but the nobles there despised a dwarven overlord, and they ejected the mixed garrisons which protected their holdings in the Prince's name. Ulek took no reprisal against them, and an effort was made to relieve the distressed territory when swarms of vicious humanoids fell upon it after being driven from the Lortmils.   Prince Corond is most concerned with protecting the eastern mines of the hills, which contain so much of the Principality's wealth. He negotiates with the other Ulek states, the Kron Hills gnomes, and even the free cities of the Wild Coast. The Prince is on very good terms with the Count of Ulek and trades with Keoland and the Sea Princes as well.


Taken together, halflings and dwarves outnumber humanity in all of the provinces but the city of Gryrax. This breakdown carries over to the military forces of the realm, highlighted by the elite heavy dwarven infantry armed with battleaxes and dressed in adamantine chainmail. Halflings are used frequently as scouts and slingers. Most of the infantry is dwarven, of course, with small contingents of gnomes, a body of halfling scouts, and human inhabitants making up the entire cavalry force of the realm. The principality maintains a strong naval presence on the Azure Sea to both patrol the southern coast and keep shipping lanes secure from pirates. These vessels are mostly crewed by humans in the service of the prince, but they are frequently staffed with dwarven marines of unusual discipline and courage.   Ulek's dwarven infantry has seen much combat during the century, being involved in the Hateful War, skirmishing regularly with Pomarj humanoids, and finally suffering defeats at their hands under Turrosh Mak. The eastern half of the Principality was utterly lost during the War, and the beleaguered stronghold of Havenhill anchors a chain of new citadels being constructed in the hills. Gryrax itself lies barely thirty miles from the vermin of the Pomarj and is swollen with dwarf and gnome refugees from the eastern lands. The mood among these demi-humans, in particular, is one of hatred and a burning desire for revenge.

Technological Level

The Principality of Ulek is easily the most cosmopolitan of the three Ulek States. Its large and busy port at Gryrax is second only in size to the great cities of Gradsul and Irongate on the Azure Sea. It prospers tremendously from the trade that passes through its markets, including goods from as far north as Celene and the Duchy of Ulek.

Foreign Relations

The Greyhawk Wars

While the Principality didn't formally ally with Furyondy and Veluna during the Greyhawk Wars, one of the worst-kept secrets is that many of its best warriors traveled north as volunteers; this weakening of Ulek defenses cost this state much of its precious territory.   Unfortunately, Furyondy is not in a position to reward the Prince; Veluna can offer little, being desperate to support its eastern neighbor as a primary task. However, Corond has plenty of friends, riches, and a strong body of fighting men. If a major battle is to come in the immediate future, the men and dwarves of the Principality may well be on the field of combat. It is also said that the Prince and his agents are eagerly looking for adventurers willing to undertake a number of missions to recover lost magical treasures.  

The Hateful Wars

After the Pomarj fell to the nonhumans in the aftermath of the Hateful Wars a few decades later, the prince made every effort to succor his former subjects and liegemen in the Pomarj. While he rescued thousands of refugees by engaging his eastern border across the Jewel River, he could not conquer and hold any of the old baronies of the Pomarj from the invaders for very long. A status quo developed over the last century, with the Principality of Ulek maintaining the frontline against the hosts of the Pomarj, receiving aid and support from its northern neighbors in the County of Ulek and Celene. The rise of Turrosh Mak upset that balance, and the Principality suffered the brunt of the attack when the half-orc and his forces crossed the Jewel and pushed back Corond’s forces nearly to the eastern edge of the hills, almost threatening Havenhill until the onslaught was stanched in 585 CY.

Agriculture & Industry

Mining and metalwork are the primary industries of the Principality of Ulek, and competition with Irongate for supplying such goods to other nations in the Flanaess has been fierce for centuries. The dwarven- fashioned city of Havenhill, more than a day’s march north of Gryrax, is the center of this trade. The surrounding hills are honeycombed with warrens and deep excavations, with some dwarves still preferring these tunnels to the surface. Human farms and steadings are most common in the provinces west of the hills, especially as one approaches the eastern bank of the Sheldomar.
One of the three Ulek states located between Keoland, Celene, and the Pomarj.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
High crown (pp), forge (gp), anvil (ep), hammer (sp), common (cp)
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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