Myth of the Great Balance of the Courts Myth in World of Darkness | World Anvil

Myth of the Great Balance of the Courts

Now as a background information for you there are four equinoctia ( that's the plural for equinox, yeah I had to Google it ) every year. They are in order: Yule ( Winter equinox. Dec 20-23), Ostara (Spring Equinox. March 20-23), Litha ( Summer Equinox. June 20-23) and Mabon (Fall Equinox. September 20-23). First Yule. During these days, legend say that Fae can meet in peace in celebration. Feasting and exchange of gifts ( yes Fae do that too ). This is held from the 20-22 and on the 23rd the Oak King of the Unseelie Court and the Holly King of the Seelie Court engage in brutal single combat to the death. This usually ends in the death of the Oak King. The battle dictates the change of the season and whom wields power until the next equinox. Ostara from March 20-22. Both courts meet again in peace in celebration of the rebirth of the Oak King. A feast is held and the children of the Fae go out on treasure hunts. Weddings are held. On the 23rd the two Kings meet once again in cobat to the death. The Oak King being younger now, defeats the Holly King and slays him. On Litha and Mabon the feasts are held. Both courts meet in peace. On Litha the Holly King will yield in combat as the Oak King is in his prime. On Mabon, the Oak King will yield in combat. The yielding of the Kings is a form of one, not dying before the preordained time. The Holly King Yields due to his being outmatched and young. The Oak King yields is wise enough to know when he must yield else he is slain before his preordained time. As such, the balance between the courts and the corresponding seasons.


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