Evelyn Walters Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Evelyn Walters

If there is one thing I can't stand, it's a pathetic Blue Blood who broods about the past and what could've been. Yeah, we get it you used to be a big shot around here - but you aint one anymore sunshine
— Thea complaining about Evelyn
  A would be queen without a kingdom, Evelyn has always acted and felt as if she was destined for greatness. Unfortunately for her, that greatness never came. A true blue blooded Ventrue, Evelyn had many aspirations. It was clear for many that she was gunning for Prince Lodin's throne - but she was careful enough to keep her ambition in check and not seem too over zealous. Perhaps it was her threat to his rule that made Lodin keep Evelyn within his court, as Lodin saw it, keep your enemies close.   Truth is though that Evelyn is royalty in Chicago. Her sire Ludwig Bradley and broodmate Matthew Strause were the first documented Kindred to openly declare themselves in Chicago. In fact, Bradley himself was eyeing the vacant position of Chicago's Prince. But that ambition soon became a muted whisper when his first Elysium ended in failure.   Soon, Maxwell took over and Chicago became a haven for the Brujah. Bradley towed the line however, he vowed complete loyalty to Prince Maxwell and was a respected member of his court. Evelyn wasn't amused however. She had ambition and drive, she wished for her bloodline to be at the top; but with Maxwell's appointment and her sire's willingness to roll over; made this all a pipe dream for her.   The Great Chicago Fire hit, which would result in a domino effect that led to Maxwell being forced out of Chicago. It was during the fire that Evelyn and Matthew lost track of their sire. He had presumably met the final death during the event and wasn't seen from again. With the deposing of Maxwell, this would've been the perfect opportunity for Evelyn to take advantage of the chaos and claim Praxis. Lodin quickly stepped into power however, dashing what little hope she had.   The devastation of the event was too much for Evelyn, she realized she needed to set her sights elsewhere. Together with her broodmate, they moved to Paris to start anew. They returned a decade later to a Chicago where Lodin had solidified his rule. The duo did not return alone however, they had a new member of their Coterie, the Nosferatu Gustav Inrah. With Gustav, the duo were able to ingratiate themselves further in the Camarilla court. Gustav was a spy master and used his sleuthing connections to help Prince Lodin maintain his empire.   Though Evelyn hadn't attained the heights she believed destined for her, she could now see a promising future ahead. Her control over Gustav led her to sweep through her political competition - all she had to do was keep the Nosferatu stung along. Unfortunately, Evelyn's arrogance and confidence grew too big - she began to feel untouchable. What really sealed her fate was a fleeting human emotion, she fell in love.   When she had returned, herself and Gustav were openly an item - the odd pairing of beauty and beast seemed to work for the duo. But Evelyn found herself drawn to a violinist mortal named Celeste. She was so enamored by Celeste she sought Prince Lodin's permission to embrace her - which he of course balked at. Lodin had become too paranoid at this stage, he had decreed a ban on embracing within his domain. This of course angered many Kindred, but few could openly change the might of Lodin's court. Instead, she was granted permission to turn Celeste into her thrall, a ghoul.   This still didn't sit well with Evelyn, when she wanted something, she was used to getting it. She concocted a plan to take Celeste to Gary where she would legally be allowed to embrace Celeste. This would be an insult to Lodin if he ever found out, but she was confident he never would. What she didn't anticipate is for Gustav to discover this web of deceit and lies. Once he did, he was enraged. He figured that Evelyn had only been pretending to be Gustav's lover for her political gain. He immediately sought revenge and told Prince Lodin of her schemes.   Evelyn was destroyed politically, she had been caught out and became a pariah of the court. As punishment, Evelyn was stripped of domain - forcing her to share her broodmate, Matthew Strause's domain. Celeste was killed by Balthazar in the trial before Evelyn. In one night she lost everything.   The War of Chicago ravaged the city soon after, Lodin met the final death and no prince stepped up. Evelyn may have had a chance before the scandal broke - but now she was an outcast not only within the Camarilla, but her own clan as well. She made a few attempts to rise back through the ranks, but each time was met with failure and indifference.   Evelyn's tale is that of a cautionary tale. She grew too bold and too confident, believing that she could do no wrong. It goes to show that one wrong move may kill any momentum you had.
Raven hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin
Aligned Organization

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