Aicha Rana Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Aicha Rana

Look at Aicha's work. She should be an inspiration to all of you - she has been here for less than a year and she is already outselling my top pushers. You all need to be more like her.
— Marcel overseeing his Ministry


A young Neonate is very quick to corrupt. Most Kindred give into their beasts when confronted with those fleeting, formative years - only to regret their slide in Humanity when it is too late. Aicha is no such Kindred. She is new in Chicago, having arrived with her sire, Khadija Al Kindi, at the behest of the Ashirra. One thing though that has commonly been said about Aicha is her control of the beast. She holds onto her humanity and is a beacon of hope within Kindred community.   Her sire is possessive to say the least. Aicha is forever in the looming shadow and gaze of Khadija, which has given her a black mark against her name. The fear and contempt of some Kindred towards the Ashirra and Banu Haqim has made Aicha's assimilation in Chicago a troubling one. That isn't to say she hasn't made friends, she has grouped up with the local Riverdale Ministry led by Marcel - which is sure to gain the ire of her overbearing sire.   Aicha has made a name for herself in Chicago as being the most connected with the drug trade. Sure, Kindred have no personal need for drugs - but those who find themselves in need may wish to turn to Aicha.
Year of Birth
1992 AD 20 Years old
Aligned Organization

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