Sophia, Web Breaker Character in World of Darkness - PNW | World Anvil

Sophia, Web Breaker

Homid Ragabash Glass Walker, Elder of the Hood River Sept⁣.  A Chinese American computer programming prodigy, she began coding on her parents' Apple II in 1977 (age 8) in Portland, Oregon.  Her aptitude for coding didn't quite translate to other areas of her life outside of long-distance running.  She spent her evenings alone, coding instead of doing homework; her mornings, alone, running - and thinking about coding.  Sophia underwent her first change at age 18 (1987) while doing rails of coke on long night of coding AI on her newly "acquired" LISP machine, during what she told her parents was a gap year to find herself before college.  Her uncle, Qin, Peace Speaker, found her that night and brought her to the Hood River Sept, also telling her mother, his sister, that Sophia was safe.   At first apprehensive, though she knew of the Garou world, journeying to the Umbra for the first time and instantly feeling a kinship with the pattern spiders and their webs gave her a sense of being understood and seen for the first time in her life.  Qin helped her train in the weeks before her .   Sophia took to spycraft as a duck to water.  Her experience in Took over as Sept Elder on June 21st, 1999 (age 30), after 12 years of dedicated service in espionage for the Garou Nation.   Sophia Li is her family name, her uncle, @[Qin, Demon Speaker](person:34137ccc-8b7a-494f-ac82-14296f70b50e.  This branch of the Li family are mostly kinfolk, having a strong lineage of Stargazers across Mainland China for millenia and more recently the cities of Yokohama, Osaka, and Tokyo, Japan.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A Chinese American woman, slight of frame, with radiant skin and brown eyes with amber flecks.

Apparel & Accessories

Often dressed in business professional attire in sensible colors, with a neatly flat bob, and no jewelry.



Bookish and professional.
Year of Birth
1969 50 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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