The Key of Fire Item in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

The Key of Fire

When the Great Strife ended, the victorious Gods of Consent chose to punish the leaders among the defeated Gods of Coercion by imprisoning them. A prison was fashioned, and a key was made to seal that prison. To safeguard that key, it was placed into a small chest locked by two more keys fashioned by the powers of different gods. The chest was then magically morphed so it would not be recognizable, and was hidden away. The two keys were also morphed into other forms to hide their true purpose, and were given by the gods to mortals in a manner intended to keep them safe.

This is the tale of one of these: the Key of Fire.


In Key Form
In its original form - the form required for its true use - the key is a single, flawless 200 carat (400g) star ruby. It is approximately 4in (10cm) long, with an oval smooth ovoid bow which displays the characteristic six ray pattern of a star-ruby, and a bit with four prongs - a number chosen to represent the number of imprisoned gods. Due to the magics imbued in it at its creation, the key cannot be broken or otherwise defaced to render it unusable.

In Hidden Form
In its current form, as "Prominion's Gift", the key appears as a compressed spherical star ruby of 200 carat (400g) weight. In is unusual among star rubies in that it displays twelve equally spaced white rays instead of the usual six. It is not faceted, rather its curves are smooth polished. Viewed from above, it is perfectly circular with a diameter of about 1.5in (4cm). Viewed from the side, it is perfectly elliptical, with its short axis exactly half the length of the long axis.
True Name
Key of Fire
Concealment Name
Prominion's Gift
also called Caleran's Star
Crafted By
Goranin of the Duagnar
Crafting Date
1CR (exact date unknown)
Current Possessor
Gregor Anselric
the Crown Jewel Vault in Elderkeep

Crafting of the Key

It is presumed that Forgemaster Goranin of the Duagnar used his mastery of the channel of primal Earth energy to call into being the perfectly crystallized but uncut ruby from which the key would be fashioned. Then, using primal Fire energy as striking and polishing tools, he shaped the key into its needed form. At the same time, he fashioned the lock which the key operated out of adamantine and the dust of the ruby removed during polishing. Magic placed into the lock ensured that its tumblers, coated with ruby dust, would remain fused in place until they sensed the touch of their "mother stone". Thus, the lock was unpickable; openable by the Key of Fire and no other. This lock, and one just like it mated to the Key of Air, would protect the Adamantine Key for all time.

The Key in the Lore of Cartyrion

After the Astralar imprisoned the Gods of Coercion, Forgemaster Goranin, the crafter of the prison and the keys, kept the Adamantine Key - the one that could open the prison door. He would hide, he claimed, where none - mortal nor Astralar - would find it. The key of Air was given to Berdea of the Alevar, and the Key of Fire was given to Prominion of the Humanar for safekeeping. These two discussed the keys, and realized that they were not safe if left in the heavens among the Astralar. To ensure their protection - and to ensure they would likely never be brought together in one place - they devised a plan. They would reshape the keys into objects that they would gift to the rulers of the Humans and Elves - two figures who were prominent in their actions to conquer the mortal forces of the Gods of Coercion.

Prominion reshaped the Key of Fire into a perfect star ruby. He then appeared, in resplendent avatar form, in High Sovereign Caleran's court and presented him with the ruby - setting it into the Crown of Ancelin. Prominon knew that this crown was worn only on special occasions and was otherwise guarded in the Crown Jewel Vault deep beneath the High Sovereign's palace. This was the best guarded place in the Human world. Prominion impressed upon Caleran the importance of keeping the crown, and hence the key, safe, as gifts such as these from the Astralar were not to be treated casually. No hint was ever given of the true nature of the Key, nor of the fact that it had a mate - the Key of Air - somewhere else in the world.
And thus, for the past two thousand years, the Key was safely hidden and protected. On special feast days in Elderkeep, it would be hidden in plain sight worn on the head of the High Sovereign, but otherwisee it was locked away and alertly guarded.

Until it wasn't...


Banner image of Duagnar, the Crafter of the Key, and sidebar character images made by RPGDinosaurBob using HeroForge™


Author's Notes

The whereabouts of the key as described above are accurate for the purposes of the Cartyrion Campaign Setting, which is based to start in the year 2171CR. However, the first book of the series I am working on (which is as yet untitled), and which is set several years later, (beginning in 2177CR) features a significantly different disposition of the key.

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