Merchant Minders Loan Guaranty Document in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

Merchant Minders Loan Guaranty

I'll tell ye, if 'tweren't fer the Minders, me business would be full lost. Nary a man could'er seen a storm as fierce as the one that took us on the Endmere Road, and none fer sure would expect it ter wreck so many carts and kill so many haulin' beasts. But them Minders... sent a man ter the nex' town who come back wi' wagons and beasts ter haul them. Cost me dear at the end o' the trip, but not near as much as losin' me whole cargo. It'll be a leaner Harvest Party this year, but 'twas worth every copper.
— Dwarven Merchant recounting his latest travels

The Merchant Minders Loan Guaranty is a document that is prepared and signed whenever unforeseen circumstances require a Merchant Minder team captain to lay out funds covering expenses that the hiring merchant or caravan group cannot afford while on the road. It is used to itemize the nature of the paid-for services or goods, and includes a promise-to-pay (with interest) by the merchant to the Merchant Minders.


The Merchant Minders is an organization that provides travel support services for merchants and organizations that need to conduct trade between the Free Cities of the Frontier Lands, or between the Free Cities and the many smaller settlements deeper within the Frontier and the Feywood.

This document describes the terms by which the hiring merchant or organization agrees to repay the Merchant Minders for a particular type of "special expense" that may be incurred during the journey. Normally, the hiring party is expected to either cover all incidental expenses (lodging, food, basic maintenance and repairs for wagons and draft animals), or their particular agreement with the Merchant Minders includes a fixed-cost fee to have the Minders cover these costs. But sometimes, special circumstances arise that cannot be covered in a contract, and this is where the Loan Guaranty fits in.

Should some extraordinary circumstance arise that requires the outlay of unanticipated funds, the Master of the Merchant Minders team assigned to the contract will provide the funds (back by the good credit of the Merchant Minders organization itself) with the expectation that the hiring merchant or organization will repay them at the end of the engagement.

The Loan Guaranty prepared at the time such an expense is incurred documents the expense and the terms of repayment.

Document Structure


Each document contains a preamble and three main sections.

The preamble contains standard language describing the purpose of the Merchant Minders and The first section essentially itemizes the goods or services for which the Merchant Minders are making payment on behalf of the hiring merchant.

The second articulates the requirements for the hiring merchant to repay what is effectively a loan. This section includes interest rates, payment due dates, etc.


The third main clause of the document describes the consequences should the hiring merchant fail to make timely payment or simply refuses to honor the terms of the Loan Guaranty. From a legal standpoint, these consequences include the right for the Merchant Minders to confiscate property or wealth to repay the debt.

A statement is also included making it clear that the Merchant Minders will no longer do business with a merchant or trade organization that does not honor its debts. A merchant or organization that the Merchant Minders will no longer do business with is left with either the requirement to hire independent sellswords, the reputation of whom is often less than stellar. There is no other organized competition to the Merchant Minders.  
Hindsight? 'Twas the mistake of me life. Durin' a trade trip down to Dryad Falls, didn't two draft horses get inter some weed by the roadside that up an' killed 'em. Managed ter make it ter the next hamlet where the Minder captain bought two new beasts. I didn't want ter pay - thought we'd make the trip well enough - but the captain bought 'em anyway. Anyways... we finish the trip, and the Minders are expectin' me ter pay for them horses. Refused, I did. Since then, I'm havin' ve hathree wagons robbed by freelancers I hoped I could trust. The inns on the Edgemere Road won't extend credit no more either. I'm near to wiped out now by it all.
— Merchant recounting the consequences of reneging on a Loan Guaranty

Historical Details


(this section needs to describe briefly how the Merchant Minders came to offer this as part of their services.)

Public Reaction

public reaction universally recognized by shopkeepers, tavern/inn owners, smiths, etc.


legacy represents a debt that the merchant had better pay
Contract, Private
Vellum / Skin
Term of Validity
Repayment requirements outlined are enforceable until payment is actually made. There is no expiration date for the obligation.

  • Master of the Merchant Minder team
  • the Hiring Merchant or Association
  • the goods or service Provider.

Legal Status
All of the Free Cities in the Frontier Lands recognize the Loan Guaranty as a legally binding contract - including the clause that gives the right to the Merchant Minders to confiscate property and wealth to cover nonpayment and denigrate the reputation of the nonpaying party.
The itemized Bill of Sale of the goods or services provided by the undersigned purveyor, including individual costs and quantities.
credits for artwork, etc. go here.


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