Caretaker Species in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil


Caretakers are a Nymph subspecies. As the Folk began appearing on Cartyrion and building homes and settlements, these Fey decided to devote themselves to looking after them. A Caretaker will choose a household or family they deem worthy of and in need of assistance, and will secretly take up residence with them to do what it can to make the Folks' life a bit more pleasant. Unlike their close relatives, the Seneschal Fey who associate themselves with the large households of wealthy or noble families, Caretakers prefer to live with and assist those of simple means and honest labor.

A household that is graced with the presence of a Caretaker will find that their fireplaces and stoves are always carefully tended and kept lit, their floors are neatly swept, and items that need minor repair or mending are mysteriously made whole. These tasks, and many other similar ones are carried out by means of both the Caretaker's craftsmanship and the innate magic at its disposal.

The Caretaker will take great pains to never reveal itself to its chosen household, but after a few mysterious but positive interventions, the Folk generally come to realize they have been honored by the Fey - and the gods - with the presence of one of these creatures.

Once the household realizes its boon, they will do things they hope will be appreciated by the Caretaker in the hopes that they can continue as hosts. Small plates of food may be left out, or tiny baubles left as gifts. These will disappear in the night.

Fey, Nymph
Gremlin Corruption
Tiny, 1ft (30cm)
Uncommon: urban or rural homes of Folk
Perhaps the greatest service a Caretaker provides is the prevention of Housebanes from taking up residence in the home. Unlike most other Nymphs that seem to retain connections with their "lost cousin" gremlin counterparts, Caretakers despise Housebanes and Shopbanes, and will fight vigorously to keep them as far away from their host homes as possible.

Should a Caretaker decide its efforts are not appreciated, it will simply leave to find another household to assist. If there are Housebanes nearby, these gremlins will almost certainly take the opportunity to move in behind them. The result is a household of Folk that seems to have suddenly gone from blessed to cursed.


Side panel character images by RPGDinosaurBob using HeroForge
Banner map by RPGDinosaurBob using Fractal Terrains by ProFantasy and Inkarnate


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